This is the Message Centre for Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

guess who xx

Post 1


how r u its me lisa bbgayfemnproud
hope u remember me
have u got an email addy i could have to keep in touch with u better anyway hope to hear from u soon
lisa smiley - biggrin

guess who xx

Post 2

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

hiya lisa ,smiley - biggrin
yeah of course i remember you hun,how have you been ,see you've not been on for a while,
tho sayin that i'm not on that much meself lately,working too muchsmiley - wah
anyway hope your well..
smiley - hug


guess who xx

Post 3


sounds like all work n no play smiley - cheerup
im glad u got back to the msg i sent u thank uuuuuuuuu
so wat u been upto apart from work..??
heres a smiley - tea n sum smiley - choc for u
so have u got an email i can have hun
spk soon luv lisa xxx smiley - biggrin

guess who xx

Post 4

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

yeah i know what you mean,all work n no play will make me become boringsmiley - wah...if i let it..
just a good job ive got a loud,bubbly personality so that wont happen..smiley - laugh..

oh sorry forgot about me addy..its...
[email protected]

well ive only just finnished work,n i'm going back rest for the wicked eh!...
anyway i'm gonna have to get going,ive gotta get stuff done...i think i need a few smiley - alesmiley - stiffdrink....

chat soon lisa,take care,n nice to see you back..smiley - hug

guess who xx

Post 5


im glad u wont let it happen as its a bugger when u let work get to u
heres a smiley - ale n a smiley - bubbly do enjoy u deserve em
thanx for ur email hun ill email u in a while
its nice to hear from u too hope to keep in touch
in a way hun i wont be staying on h2g2 just really came on to track some mates down such as urself n get there email address's to keep in touch hope u dont mind but i will keep a check etc on msgs on here
anyway have a good day hun
takecare spk soon
luv lisa smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

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