This is the Message Centre for SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 1

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... as a thankful sigh of relief returns to my body I must say that the last 3 or 4 weeks has been very hectic and over-crowded and so I can understand why some people can "kick-off" under pressure...

But over the last 4 or 5 days I've been working to restore the peace throughout my "loving family" and now....... it's back, wahey... my uncle/auntie and their kids have gotten an excellent place to live in now... after just three or four weeks of being back in Southend they've gotten a place... right on the BEACH OF SOUTHEND!... now some might say that's no big deal blah blah blah, but it is to them... his kids have NEVER seen the sea before... as they used to live in Yorkshire and so they've never been to a beach etc... so we're all relieved and delighted that everything's now sorted out and that all is "normal" with the world again...

I stayed at my uncles place Tuesday/Wednesday night and yes it was okay....... but....... sleeping there is a bit of a problem... noise.......... it's right on the beach... that's the only problem... oh... and parking... but that's getting sorted...

So we are all happy now and apart from a bunch of Wallys from Bradford trying to find a B&B on Wednesday night and a guy who was completely wasted out of his head and was saying he was kidnapped the night before... it was fun...

I'm off to my bed now because I'm knackered...

See ya...

Serjsmiley - devil

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 2

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

yaaaaayyyy..nice 2hear its all sorted now...smiley - boing..well done marcsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - ticklesmiley - hug

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 3

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

smiley - wah I want to live near the seasidesmiley - wah

Hmmm....I'm from Bradford, wonder if it was anyone I knew?? Probably not as I am very sensible & I do not consort with wallies YYEEEAAHHH RIIIGGHHHTT! No comments guys!smiley - laugh

smiley - jester

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 4

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Cheers Cutiechops and Happy Birthday for tomorrow... how old will you be??????????...

Lynsey... well if you know anyone from Bradford who came to Southend on a day trip then perhaps it was them... it was funny none the less...

I've noticed you've had a bit of a "tiff" with a certain member or members of the Wally Gang... not to worry... just stay away from each other...

Serjsmiley - devil

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 5

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Are you part of the Wally Gang hun??

smiley - jester

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 6

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)



Serjsmiley - devil

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 7

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

marcsmiley - smooch
im 29.smiley - wah 2moro.smiley - wah....tho i dont look or evvvvveerr act me agesmiley - boingsmiley - boing....

hiyyyaaaa lynseysmiley - cuddle

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 8

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Weeeeeeeelllllll, its just that Andrea (Angelicsmiley - witch said that me & this other researcher could join & I was kinda cool about it, I never asked her, she asked us!! Then when someone comments on her recruiting whoever she wants, she says that she "can't let just any1 join" & that it was "getting to crowded" in the Wally House!
I just didn't appreciate being messed around, but I have told her I am willing to forgive & forget, but she seems adamant in carrying on playing the victim & bickering, so I've left her to itsmiley - smiley

smiley - jester

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 9

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX


U old gitsmiley - laugh

Only kidding hun!smiley - laugh

Do you want the birthday bumps??.......all 29 of them????smiley - laugh

smiley - jester

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 10



That is good news


Post 11

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Doing this one by one...

Cutiechops... I didn't realise that you were over 20... you certaily don't seem like 29 (tomorrow)

I hope it goes well for you though... get some nice gifts nd have a great day...

Serjsmiley - devil

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 12

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)


Oh well her loss...

I'm a member... but I've only been for about a week... and I've not been around to contribute a lot...

Intern... it is good mate... soz I've not been around to chat much... I keep having to go etc... but I might be on more often from now on...

Howz you been lately???... I heard Kyle left (back of the net)

Serjsmiley - devil

The peace has been restored... rejoice, get drunk and get stoned!!

Post 13

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

noooooo birthday bumps smiley - ta...smiley - run>>>>>>
smiley - stiffdrink n smiley - ale welcome thosmiley - drunk......

maybe we cud start our own..."the happy-loony gang"...smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin


Post 14


smiley - biggrin


Post 15

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX


We could do, we could get virtually smiley - drunk regularly, & the initiation test would be to flash your smiley - titsmiley - tit in all the barssmiley - laugh......smiley - laugh

smiley - jester


Post 16

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)


Intern... I was just lurking on your page and noticed a section that errormender began involving the current viruses bouncing around at the moment... it's not good is it... I mean the SObig virus...

And the Telewest one that was mentioned...

I left my e-mail un-used for about 5 days and came back to just over 700 e-mails... all were useless adverts (but my fault as I signed my e-mail address upto a load of rubbish when the firewall was down)

Serjsmiley - devil


Post 17


smiley - biggrindid you bet they dont know you cant get back to there site they are wasting man power money time sending you crap though smiley - biggrinResult mate

Yeh it is bad raly iv used it through the whole thing and i have not had a problem realy (touches my head)touch wood


Post 18

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0) a bit of a loony/joker/mad dont act 29(tomorrowsmiley - laugh) never be sum borin old fart....smiley - boing

lynsey....smiley - laugh..that sounds smiley - cool...not that i ever need an excuse2 flash me smiley - titsmiley - tits..

hiyyyaaaa andysmiley - smooch


Post 19



thats smiley - okmate


Post 20

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Cutiesmiley - titsmiley - titsmiley - laugh

We could call ourselves the Thundersmiley - tits (thunderbirds)

Ok okaaayy.....i'm getting a little carried away now, i'll be making membership cards next.......hmmmmm....not a baaaaddd idea.........smiley - laugh

smiley - jester

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