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A what????

Post 1

smurfles horror stories!!!
Yesterday i went to the doctors,i had been putting it off for weeks,because i was a bit scared.smiley - silly
I've had a little mark on my leg since i can't remember when,but a while ago it developed a little bump on it.Nothing nasty looking,or smiley - yuk,not even a different skin colour,just a little bump.
So.the doctor took one look at it,had a press and a feel ,and said "That's a keratoacanthoma".
My face must have said it well as the fct that i was shaking,A WHAT??
It's nothing he said...nothing dangerous,or nasty,it might get bigger,or just go away by itself.....or we can cut it off>
I could never remember that word i tld him,so the lovely man wrote it down for me....."so i could look on the internet when i got home" he said.
Take my advice....don't look thing up on the internet.It scared me so much,i have promised myself i will NEVER do it again.
Anyway,my little bump ,he assured me,is fine,nothing to worry about,and he's 99.99% sure of it,so it's staying where it is ,unless it gets any bigger!!!

A what????

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Nothing to worry about then smiley - cuddle

A what????

Post 3

Researcher U1025853

don't worry just use logic, if it gets smaller or goes away then thats the end of it.

If it gets bigger or changes then you must go and see your doctor again.

I have known a few people with these. Mostly they are nothing to worry about, however don't let worry stop you from taking responsibility. There is a small chance it could change, thats when you need to go back. I have known 2 people who have had these things removed, its a bit sore, but much less than anything you have previously had to put up with.

You can deal with this, you only need to go back if gets bigger or changes colour or shape. A very useful thing to do is to take a photo of it and take measurements and date the photo.

That way you are taking control.

Its true what the doctor said about it generally not being a thing to worry about, but he may have been trying to put your mind at rest if you were obviously very worried. There is a small chance it will grow and become something to worry about but you know what to do about that, don't you?

I don't want to worry you myself, but I believe we need knowledge of these things. I hated the thought of it perhaps getting bigger and you ignoring that. If you need to talk more than email me.

This is controlable though and treatable, and rarely needs treating as you know. You will be fine, take that photo and measure it, that way you will know 100% whether it has changed.

When you see it get smaller, we can all celebrate with you! smiley - cuddle

A what????

Post 4


sal, smiley - hug

Kaz is right. The best thing is not to worry but to take control and keep the situation monitored.

If it were me, I'd just have it removed so I could forget about it. I once had three dodgy moles removed (cut out) and it didn't hurt at all. The moles were then sent to be analysed and they weren't cancerous, but I was still happier just to get rid of them.

I googled "keratoacanthoma" and saw that one of the removal options is simply 'freezing' it off with liquid nitrogen. No cutting involved.

"Following this the treated site will swell, may or may not blister, then dries out to form a scab which takes about 2 weeks to come off, longer on the limbs."

I had several large warts removed from my left knee with this freezing treatment when I was a teenager - they got a bit puffy and red for awhile, then dried up and fell off. Presumably the freezing treatment kills whatever virus is going on.

Anyhoo, that's my smiley - 2cents worth.


A what????

Post 5

Researcher U1025853

Thats interesting Azahar

I had several warts removed from a very personal place with nitrogen. It was sore and I had trouble walking for just a day or two. So having them removed from your leg, shouldn't be too bad at all, if you choose to go the nitrogen route Smurfles. smiley - hug

A what????

Post 6


Well, as I say, that's what I'd do - just have it removed now.

Here's the website I found, which was very informative and not scary. It seems the main problem is when a keratoacanthoma (a false skin cancer) is misdiagnosed.

Being a real worry wart smiley - winkeye myself, I wouldn't feel happy about just waiting around to see if the thing got bigger. I'd just want to be rid of it.


A what????

Post 7

Researcher U1025853

I agree with you Azahar, did I say something to make you think otherwise?

Smurfles doesn't have to make any decisions yet, though we have both said it is not too painful, so I hope that gives you hope Smurfles.smiley - hug

A what????

Post 8


sal, how's it going?


A what????

Post 9

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes sal, hope you're well smiley - hug

A what????

Post 10


I appreciate everyones input on thissmiley - ta.I have thought about it,and after the holidays i am going to see about having it taken off,if they can find it,it really is only tiny!!!!smiley - smiley
The doctor did say if i had it removed it would leave a bigger scar that the "bump" is,but it's not as though many people see my legs anymore!!!smiley - hugs for all!!!

A what????

Post 11


I've had two aledgedly harmless lumps removed. The first one was just fatty tissue and the scar is much neater and less obvious than the lump that used to occupy that space on my shoulder. It was my choice to have that removed and I'm glad I did.

The other one had to be removed because it was causing an obstruction and it turned out to be something more serious than first thought anyway, so good riddance to it. Again, I'm really glad that it was removed and again the scar (on my face this time) is barely visible.

Personally, I think it's always best to get rid of lumps, regardless of whether the doctor thinks they are harmless. So, I'd agree that getting rid of it is a good idea - I think you'll feel better about it once its gone Sal.smiley - ok


A what????

Post 12

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Very deaar Smurflesm

Well a keratossis is a hardening of the skin and it can turn nasty. I have got severalon my face which I have had nurnt out with liquid hydrogen(?). Last time the dear dematologist was so jolly awful that I swore I would never go to him again. I remember a friend of mine telling me that she had got rid of hers by putting vaseline on it whenever she thought about it. About three to four times a day. Try that. It might help and certainly should not do any harm.I hsve been doing it on my latest "outcrop" and it seems to be getting better.

The joy of growing old. Surprises never cease!!.
Also Ran1 smiley - schooloffish

A what????

Post 13

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I have tried to post to this thread for days!

I think it would be wise to remove it smurfles , so you never have to worry.

A what????

Post 14


Thank you to everyone for your advice,smiley - hugI will make an appointment to have it removed ,when we get back from holiday.
I find myself asking for advice about these things more and more on h2,but it's very reassuring to know other people that have had the same problems,and that the "bumps" haven't had dire consequences.
I,am such a worrier!!!
smiley - smiley

A what????

Post 15

aka Bel - A87832164

Hey, you're a warrior, too, so that's ok smiley - hug

A what????

Post 16


smiley - laugh
smiley - hug

A what????

Post 17

aka Bel - A87832164

Amazing, what a difference one tiny letter can make ? smiley - cool

A what????

Post 18

Researcher U1025853

Sal, did you make that appointment? I hope you didn't get nervous, whats the latest?

A what????

Post 19


hi i didn't love.It's still the same,hasn't changed at all,so i thought i'd leave it alone!!
Must admit i try to ignore it,but every so often i have a good look!smiley - bigeyes
I really am a coward at heart!!

A what????

Post 20

Researcher U1025853

Fair enough, so long as you listen to your intuition. I think on a level we know when something is wrong and we must listen to that. As it staying the same though, I can understand that your intuition is happy at the moment. smiley - hug

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