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american sizes??

Post 1


We have seen something for sale,but it will have to be shipped to england.Can anyone tell me how the american sizing works please???The sizes on offer were 4,6,7,9,11,12,,would this be by age as it is childrens clothing???I have bought clothing when we were over there,but it had been a case of looking and guessing,but this time we can't actually seethe size of garment.smiley - flusteredThere are only a couple of days left to ordersmiley - sadfaceThanks!!!!!

american sizes??

Post 2

mrs santa claus. aka serenity (manageress of the oLDe tea shoppe)

hi sal smiley - smiley
i havent got a clue, but would abby be the best person to ask??
smiley - rose

american sizes??

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal try montana redhaed, you.ll find her on the photo gallery thread,click her name on one of the posts shes left and then, leave a message on her space, good luck jim.
ps there might be a few usa ones on the thread.

american sizes??

Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

think jim's got it right sal.... good luck... smiley - hug

american sizes??

Post 5

Witty Moniker

Hi, smurfles. I saw your request in you nickname and popped by to offer some assistance. I live in the US and children's sizes are tied to approximate age. Most kids wear a size slightly larger than their age, but my 2 girls always wore their age.

Here is a sizing chart with measurements for a major US retailer:

I hope it helps.

american sizes??

Post 6

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Some sewing patterns have size comparisons for both sides of the pond.

I sent you an email when I read this earlier and could not post.
smiley - boingThen my power went out for the day.
Just got back on, praying the computer will be ok.

american sizes??

Post 7


Thank you to everyone for their help.smiley - hugI printed out the details on the link,monica,and they wereperfect.It brought back some memories as well.we go to j.c.penney when were over there in florida!!!I got a birthday present from my daughter from there last year!!smiley - kiss

american sizes??

Post 8


Just to let you know we managed to order in time...with 30 seconds to spare!!!!!
My grandaughter was smiley - somersaultsmiley - applause,and is excitedly waiting delivery!!!!Thank you again!!!smiley - hug

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