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Back,had an eye opener too!!!

Post 1


What an eye opener it was!!!
First of all our holiday was lovely,the weather was beautiful,we had rain twice in the two weeks,and the rest of the time it was 90 degrees,give or take a couple!!
We visited most of the theme parks,and i got lots of retail therapy insmiley - applause
Our youngest daughter opened up a new aspect to our holiday,the animals we saw just outside in our garden were amazing.I think in future we'll be staying up late more often!!!
So what opened my eyes????
I started with a painful ear a couple of days before we were due to fly home,so rung the holiday insurance and asked what i should do,as the pharmacy wouldn't sell me anything!!
I went to see a doctor at a walk in clinic,and he needed to syringe my ears so he could see how badly swollen one was inside.He said it was yukky,so couldn't see much until it had been clearedsmiley - yuk
Eventually he gave me a prescription ,and told me i was okay to fly,which was a relief.
Then the receptionist gave me the billsmiley - wah
It was $278 !!!!
Having paid that we went to the pharmacy to collect my prescription.......antibiotic ear drops,which cost me $114...around £50!!!
We still had a lovely holiday though,and i even resisted popping in to say hi when we went into a n internet cafe!!!!

Back,had an eye opener too!!!

Post 2

Moving On

I'm glad you had a good holiday Sal but gawdalmighty... if it costs about £175 in total for a bad ear, then I shudder to think how much anything a touch on the life threatening side would cost ya!

Will your holiday insurers cover that cost for you?

Back,had an eye opener too!!!

Post 3


Don't know ev...i've got the forms to fill in,but i have a £50 excess anyway.I'll just have to wait and see what they say when i send the forms back!!!smiley - rolleyes

Back,had an eye opener too!!!

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

I can't believe it is that expensive smiley - yikes - you should go to Canada next time, my sister always buys medicine there because it's so cheap smiley - winkeye
Glad you enjoyed your holiday smiley - hug

Back,had an eye opener too!!!

Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Welcome home, Sal smiley - hug

Glad you enjoyed your holiday.. shame about the earache though smiley - smooch

Back,had an eye opener too!!!

Post 6


Hi bel,,,,thanks !!!
I thought we'd be able to buy something over the counter,but the pharmacist refused as it sounded as though i needed antibiotics!!!I daren't risk flying home without getting it checked,but maybe canada would be an option next timesmiley - laugh

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