A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Favourite 'Hitchhiker' Moment

Ford Prefect... hoopiest frood of a researcher

Post 1

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

You gotta love the gingerhaired, flippant, overly dramatic, spacewise frood from somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgues 5 and not from Guildford after all. He even knows where his smiley - towel is.

I loved him from his first paragraphs in the books, and about the time he was telling Arthur to finish his third pint "The Earth's about to end", I was a groupie for life

For all his almost, but not quite, rugged individuality, he still manages to save Arthur and look after him for sometime...

and is related to the President of the Imperial Galaxy...

I think one of my favorite Ford moments was his drunken non-explaination of how Milliways and space travel works... the ebony bathtub and sugar and all... and managing to annoy everyone at the table and not caring a bit.

Plus, even if it is only "Earth:Mostly Harmless", he has still contributed a larger entry to the Guide than myself.

Here's one for you, Ford smiley - stiffdrink

Ford Prefect... hoopiest frood of a researcher

Post 2


Oh God yes, Ford is just the most wonderful guy I could never hope to meet!

Fave moments:

The explanation using compound interest of how your bill at Milliways would already be covered (OK I'm an accountant!)

The Babel fish (which now exists online - life imitating art)

Vogon poetry (I'm attenpting to rival that meslefsmiley - winkeye)

Hotblack Desiato spending a year dead for tax reasons

Pan galactic Gargleblasters

and the fact that gin-and-tonics exist in all civilisations

the airplane waiting for new civilisations to evolve and invent lemon soaked wetwipes (I am keeper of!)before they can take off

Dirk Gently (is he allowable?) and his whole holisitc ideas of inter-connectedness and karma

Ford Prefect... hoopiest frood of a researcher

Post 3

AndyC the WB

Ford is *way* cooler than Zaphod. Zaphod's just this guy with two heads, three arms, and an ego bigger than Betelgeuse.

Ford Prefect... hoopiest frood of a researcher

Post 4

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Don't be dissin' on the great Z., Ford wouldn't like it. He wouldn't do a thing about it, he might be secretly pleased... okay he'd like it and have you buy him a drink...

round for Ford! smiley - stiffdrink

Ford Prefect... hoopiest frood of a researcher

Post 5


Ford Prefect the greatest name ever and alot better on him than the so called car he is named after, have you ever driven one? He is sooo cool. This is sort of person you would kill for to have as your best mate.

Happy Birthday Hichhikers and thank you DNA.

Ford Prefect... hoopiest frood of a researcher

Post 6


Totally agree! Zaphod make have two heads but Ford is way froodyer!

Although, Zaphod does have a few things going for him, after all he DID invent the pan galactic gargle blaster!

Ford Prefect... hoopiest frood of a researcher

Post 7

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Yes, but I think that Ford could singlehandedly support the market for them! smiley - laughsmiley - stiffdrink

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