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another xmas going to pots lol

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal
well you would think i would be used to xmas going kaput, but it still happens.
on monday,mary, my last next of kin, finalised the selling of their house, and tomz,thursday, they will be off to sutton-on-sea to live,nr mablethorpe.all there is here now is her son, my lodger
ive also heard the ntl/tw/virgin merger could mean a change in the tw emails(go to the hi pinky thread)prof as put the details on there.
we could be for emails or something simaler.but that isnt the worst, if they decide to update the format we use, we will lose the herf-html that would mean all the links and things will no longer work,all we can do is wait and see what the merger does to us.smiley - disco jim xxxx

another xmas going to pots lol

Post 2


Hi jim...i'll have a look at the other thread in a mo love.
How often did you see your Mary???You might get the chance to have a holiday next year jim,and spend some time with her!!
Try not to worry,get yourself some nice food in,and a few lagers,and enjoy yourself.smiley - hollysmiley - crackersmiley - hug

another xmas going to pots lol

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal
im getting used to things going now lol
they are away tomz, but they cant get in their bungerlow till its ready, could be months yet.
but apparently if they stayed another week it would have cost more than the rent in an appartment in mablethorpe.
they go to mablethorpe normally for an hol each yr, and the lady they get the accomadation with as agreed a price for them to stay in the hol appart, over winter.
im stuck in today, the powerminster boilerman should be here anytime to replace the rad in the front room that gone faulty.smiley - disco jim xx

another xmas going to pots lol

Post 4

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal
things are looking up this years end, ive sold the pc and got what i wanted for it £150, and ive still a couple of monitors and things to sell, i,ll call in the t and a and put an adert in the under £50 free ads, and see what happens.smiley - discosmiley - crackerjim xx

another xmas going to pots lol

Post 5


smiley - applauseyou see jim,things are going right for yousmiley - laughsmiley - hug

I hope you sell the other'll all contribute to you having a good christmassmiley - cheers,and maybe you'll even get a holiday in mablethorpe in the summer!!!!

another xmas going to pots lol

Post 6

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sal
the first thing im going to do is get a new coat, mine is getting a bit threadbare,lol
i think the shoes need new uppers to.
its the last day at the lib for me tomz,before xmas, so after my two hours, i,ll head up town.and on the way down i,ll call in the t&a and do a for sale in the friday free ads,might be afer xmas till its in, but no rush now.
i have all the main things to get over xmas, just need to pick up the turkey legs and meats on saturday, and anything that comes to mind.havent heard from mary, i should think it will be over xmas, as they will be sorting and settling in over there smiley - disco jim xxx

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