This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

all i would have wanted for xmas, was a new keyboard lol.

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

my two digi keyboards are both over 10 yrs old now.
but as the new signin, will stop me getting on the h2g2 from home, a new keyboard, if i could get my hands on one would be pointless.
its getting nearer to the end of the "magic link" as we digi,s would call it.
i will be on from the cyber or library when i can but it wont be the same.
you might be thinking, get a pc or laptop. done that, been there, got the teashirt.i would never get to bed at night, morning.
i suppose the next thing to happen is virginmedia will fully discontinue the emails, of which i have three, (one still partly kaput). only longtime accounts have them, new ones have a new style samsung i was told.
so this will be my last, after over 7 years on h2g2 most from digi,no more guides, no more post,wont have time at the cyber or library. so this is my countdown to the end.
will keep the messages ongo, till it gets to much to even get to town. smiley - dragon jimbob

all i would have wanted for xmas, was a new keyboard lol.

Post 2

Helleborus a.k.a. Nigel

smiley - sadface I will miss you Jim.

Take care.

Nigel smiley - footprints

all i would have wanted for xmas, was a new keyboard lol.

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

Jimbob I will miss your messages and your journals.

all i would have wanted for xmas, was a new keyboard lol.

Post 4


Oh, that's a shame! I will miss you too. Hope you can solve it so we don't lose you completely.

Take care,

Websailor smiley - dragon

all i would have wanted for xmas, was a new keyboard lol.

Post 5


Hmm I'm on digibox too and to be frank no one will miss me, you'll all be putting the flags out and drinking lots of smiley - bubbly

No skin off my nose I've got somewhere new to go thanks to a REAL friend ^~^shakira^~^ who also on digibox Its time I closed the doors on this *cough* *cough* place been here since 2004. Go on say it this names was opened in 2006 bla bla bla my first name was a mess..I wish everyone a MERY CHRISTMAS and a WONDERFULL NEW YEAR 2010 smiley - bubblysmiley - cracker> smiley - holly

Bye bye Jimmy you won't miss me for sure will you eh.. Do I care NO. Oh yes Teresa she sent me the link to QEEP via mobile phone we both have a personal space smiley - tongueoutsmiley - laugh
Doors will be closing for good February Ps I've seen all your pics via Flikr great stuff hull meet 2008 but I would ditch those specs of yours smiley - sorry

0:14 22/12/09

all i would have wanted for xmas, was a new keyboard lol.

Post 6

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

it is always sad to see hootooers leave. more son when they are forced to go smiley - erm

take care both of you, and try to get back here - if only every once in a while smiley - hug

smiley - pirate

all i would have wanted for xmas, was a new keyboard lol.

Post 7

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hey i wont be going altogether.
as long as i can get to a pc at the library or the cyber, i,ll be around, but not from home in the early mornings like now, or after the cyber and library are shut at night.
being on the tv email, i could avoid the ads at times, by a quick sneak on h2g2, but that will be the end of the digi when the new ones comes along.
you could say its nerly 80% of my trips on here.
at the cyber i have to pay, so ive limited time, the library is free, but seems to be down more than working.
the only way you will find me not around, is if i cant get to town.
smiley - dragon jimbob

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