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jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

is it only me, or is everyone in engalnd at least being invaded with,nasty big, black spiders.
for weeks now, at random, ive fund in most rooms, and the landings and hallway, ruddy spiders.
im watching tv, and see one on the far wall, so i get it in a plastic pint glass and into the garden. next night, one in the kitchen, night after in the bedroom.
but after one on the sofa last night, that made me jump up, not doing my back much good, im going to get something today, like raid, and spray the ruddy house.
i know they arnt dangerous, but i dont want to keep seeing them all over the house, they have to go.
,smiley - dragon jim

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 2


You must have a dry house, and no other creepy crawlies Jim. We have had more than usual this year, and bigger too, and boy can they smiley - run

Websailor smiley - dragon

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
from what the woma at the shop in town said, there as been a run on the spray, they dont use raid now, its be banned, its called "no more spiders" i didnt get one, as the batch of 40 had gone in less than a week.
my mates going to asda later, so he will get me something from there.
they are black, and very big, but i dont give then chance to run.
i use an old plastic pint glass to get them outside, smiley - dragon jim

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 4

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - dragon

With me it's daddy long legs, when I lived in Ashington we used to get quite a few money spiders.

I don't know how to get rid of either spiders or daddy long legs. The funny things is rarely every see any flies so I don't know what they are feed on.

Hope you can get rid of the spiders, it's strange that they are not in your garden.

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 5

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i got a very effective spray. sprayed it around all open windows and doors. haven't seen a live smiley - spider i my house since

they have a right to live like you and me - but not in my house!

smiley - pirate

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 6

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi ptp
i dont kill them at the moment,
but if they are nesting, and i see more than one at a time, its the "no more spiders" or something.
there was a spray called, raid, but a shopkeeper said its been banned,
my mate went to asda, last night, but said he couldnt find anything, but the place is big lol.have to invest in a spray, on monday, to be ready for the pests
smiley - dragon jim

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 7


Strangely, I used to be terrified of smiley - spiders, but having two children I thought I had better get a grip, as I didn't want to pass the fear on to them. Now I can tolerate them, so long as I don't have bare feet at the time smiley - rofl So long as they are indigenous and not an intruder from elsewhere. I always open my bananas over the sink with the plug in!!!

Incidentally they will eat flies and all sorts of tiny inhabitants you probably don't even know are there smiley - biggrin

I wouldn't touch a spray. They are almost bound to be chemical based and no good to any of us either.

Websailor smiley - dragon

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 8

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
there is a power, not for me, i saw it when i checked out, wilkinsons, only cost about a pound i think.
im not scared of them as such, its when you are doing something, and one runs across the line of sight, and if i try to catch one to get out and miss it, im always watching for it to appear as i dont know where it is,
i also tend to get silverfish in the kitchen near the freezer, and a odd one in the loo. smiley - dragon jim xx

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 9

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

the spray is indeed poisonous, that's the very idea

but as it is not a gas but something that sticks to the windowsill or wherever you spray it i believe it will not effect me more than diesel fumes and what else i am forced to inhale during the day

smiley - pirate

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 10

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

the new spray, is ozone freindly i was told, but it is supposed to deter insects.
ive had none for two days, so im holding off getting a spray or power for now smiley - dragon jim

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 11

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

father frost to the rescue! smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 12

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi ptp
no thsnks, ide rather have a few spiders, than the frost, it will play havoc with my back,smiley - dragon jim

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 13

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

since we can't avoid frost we should be glad for it's upsides. it kills a lot of bugs, vira, bacteria and such

but you don't have to freeze in your house. just hang your bed clothes outside for a few hours when there is a good frost. it should w*rk wonders for your health smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 14

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi ptp
blimey i get cold enough,without making my bedclothes cold lol.
i havent seen a spider in three days, i found an outlet under the sink, the communiteis(was housing)did for the washer i dont have, so ive blocked it up.
and on the front and back door, there is a water drain gap, with holes to the outside, i stuck slivers of wood in them lol.smiley - dragon jim

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 15

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

bedclothes will get warm again, but the bugs that cause my asthma will be gone smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 16

Reality Manipulator

Last night I saw a smiley - spider and it did not scare me but I did try and get it to go outside as there are more flies to eat and it's a silly place to be in my home as there are no flies for the smiley - spider to eat. If of course I get bitten by a radioactive smiley - spider, I might get superhuman powers and call myself smiley - spidersmiley - diva which means I will have to wear spandex costumes and work for Marvel comics.

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 17

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

its been three days since i saw one, with luck the cold weather will keep them awaysmiley - dragon jim

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 18

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - spidersmiley - diva in spandex? smiley - bigeyessmiley - drool

*stops spraying instantly*

smiley - pirate

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 19

Reality Manipulator

I have heard that if you put conkers on your windowsill it will stop smiley - spider coming in but I don't know if they have to be the windowsill outside your house or the inside window.

jimcrackers spider invasion

Post 20

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
i heard that,or something similar on a tv programee the other night, i think it was the one show.
i havent seen any in the house for days, smiley - dragon jim xx

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jimcrackers spider invasion

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