This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
i have tryed in the past to get a guide in the review let alone the front page.
if rev nick hadn,t helped me, i wouldnt have even submitted this time.
in the past i got the ew277 guide i did in three araes at once, the post, the ww2, and the standard guide, but to have one in the edited is a feather in my cap
the reason being, i can write a story/guide, do the research, but putting to grammar as content,no way on my own.
most i did on my humble box, and then at the library, then rev nick offered to go with me all the way. thanks nick.
the reason this is better than my usual post, is im rechecking, i dont usually, could still be spelling mistakes, but what the heck. smiley - peacedove jim

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 2


smiley - laugh
Well done JIm(and rev.)
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly for both ofyou,and anyone else who helped out!!!
Have you started the next one yet JIm?smiley - winkeye

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 3

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And there is indeed a feather in your cap, Jim. Not only 'in the guide', but with a piccy that YOU took and created. A great success, my friend. smiley - cheers

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 4

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i still cant beleive they where single pics for a £1 camera, which shows, less means more, and anyone can do it.
unless there is one in the guides, that nick would want to have a go at in the underguide. in guide taped out. for
i thanked the reveiw before it went off the thread, but will drop a line later,dinner now and to the lib, i think i,ll play a few games, as the research is done lol
smiley - peacedove jim

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

smiley - okWell done Jim, on a great entry which I enjoyed to read. Bradford sounds like a great city with a lot of promise.smiley - cheers

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 6

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

thanks kat
its a bit to add yet, in time.
more buildings to research in the smiley - peacedove jim

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 7

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi Jim
I run the h2g2 Photographers club and I've added your Entry and compilation photo (which is great by the way) to the July Hall of Fame: A24190012 (it's on your PS now)

Galaxy Babe

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 8

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And just look at that, Jim. More recognition of your hard work of researching and giving it all a real 'depth'. smiley - applause

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 9

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi and thanks galaxy babe
as rev said i cant beleive i got one in the guide, and to say they are taken by me, and beleive or not, with a £1 camera.all the pics you probably have where taken on the same week.
only the town hall didnt work out, i think it was glare, with all the rain we are getting here, that day you could fry an egg on the pavement lol. smiley - peacedove jim

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 10


Hi Jim,
I would like to add my congratulations too. I am sure you must be really thrilled to achieve such success with your article on Bradford. I did read it when you first told me about it and enjoyed it.
I would imagine it's not easy to reach the front page. I don't like champagne but I'll toast you in something alcoholic. smiley - cheers

I haven't been around for the last few weeks due to a lot of trouble with getting onto the internet, but my server has upgraded in my area a few days ago and fingers crossed, it seems to have done the trick.

Are you now thinking about a new topic to work on?

Take care Jim, korculablue smiley - smiley

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 11


Hi Jim,I had no doubts,I KNEW you'd do it ! Well done you. Love Pinky xxxx

on the front page,after more than 4 yrs on h2g2

Post 12

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

err! where's Bradford? again ?smiley - winkeye

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