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nottuppence Started conversation Sep 11, 2006
I was just reading your likes and dislikes, I am having chuckle to myself about you not liking spiders. Yesterday while cleaning out china cupboard I removed a, what we call in Australia a "sugar spider" its the size of a tea plate or bigger. My nephew over here backpacking a couple of years ago never quite could get over the fact that a spider named Fred lived in his bedroom and had done for a few years. I live in Newcastle Australia.
Alison (ACE) Posted Sep 11, 2006
Arrrghh! That sounds horrible! But I guess you're used to it, we don't have spiders anything like the size of that over here! Plus none of ours are poisonous, so I have no good reason to be scared of them.
How are you finding your way around h2g2? Have you made some good friends? I see you are from London, I live in Hemel Hempstead which is not far away. I am currently in America visiting friends and stuff at the moment, and I'm having a great time!
Take care, Alison
nottuppence Posted Sep 13, 2006
Thanks for your reply, it was so nice. I am afraid I am a bit out of my depth with h2g2, I absolutely love the articles but dont think I will ever write anything (cept for granny like things). Have grankids and great grandkids ranging from 27yo down to 1yo.
I am so glad you are enjoying yourself, go for it girl, thats what lifes for. America is a great place. Keep safe and if you have time a little rundown of your adventures please.
Alison (ACE) Posted Sep 14, 2006
Well that's ok if you don't want to write anything, you can just read and enjoy what other people have written and it's fun to get involved in conversations too.
I started off my trip in New York, was there for four days and we saw all the sights and took one of those open topped bus tours and went up to the top of the Rockefeller Centre which was amazing. And we saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway which was really cool.
Now I'm in Wisconsin visiting a friend who lived in my halls of residence at University last year (she was doing a year abroad from America). It's been raining the last few days so we haven't been able to do much, but the sun has finally come out today so we're gonna take a walk round the University town and maybe sunbathe by the lake! We're gonna be here for another few days and then we're going on to Edmonton in Canada (where they have the largest shopping mall in the world!) but I will let you know how that is when I'm there!
Hope you're well, Alison
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