A Conversation for Village of Hospital, Co Limerick

Writing Workshop: A972119 - Village of Hospital, Co Limerick

Post 1

finnjim, THE Teacher, messing with peoples minds since 1997

Entry: Village of Hospital, Co Limerick - A972119
Author: finnjim, THE Teacher, messing with peoples minds since 1997 - U204255

This is my first piece and would like to get peoples opinions before submittion for Peer Review.
I have a few other Ides but thought Go with What you know

A972119 - Village of Hospital, Co Limerick

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Hi Finnjim. There's obviously not much to say about Hospital. I've never been there, but my brother works there.

I think this would look better if you converted it into GuideML.

1. Click on the GuideML radio button and click on Change Style.
2. Put at the start of each paragraph and at the end.
3. Put at the start of each heading and at the end.
4. Click on Update button.

There are a few mis-spellings: "it's" should be "its" when you mean "belonging to it". Abby should be abbey.

Thanks for taking time to write an entry! smiley - cheers

A972119 - Village of Hospital, Co Limerick

Post 3

finnjim, THE Teacher, messing with peoples minds since 1997


You've piquied my interest. Where does your brother work there. I know most of the people there even thouge i've been gone for a few years

A972119 - Village of Hospital, Co Limerick

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

He's a "powerful" solicitor.smiley - winkeye

A972119 - Village of Hospital, Co Limerick

Post 5

finnjim, THE Teacher, messing with peoples minds since 1997

Oh one of those. dont worry I'm not looking for any other information Budsmiley - winkeye

A972119 - Village of Hospital, Co Limerick

Post 6


Author has elvised - flea market? I think there's something worth salvaging for someone who knows about the subject.

smiley - panda

A972119 - Village of Hospital, Co Limerick

Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Definitely Flea Market material smiley - ok

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