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Perseid Shower

Post 1


I don't really follow astronomy. So I only found out that there was going to be a meteor shower last night at about 1:30 AM, when I was getting ready to go to bed. I'd never seen a meteor shower before. I had never really seen a shooting star... just the kind where you see something out of the corner of your eye, and then you turn your head and it's gone, but you convince yourself it was a shooting star. I had never really been looking, though.

So, even though I was tired, I decided to see what all the fuss is about. After about an hour, I put on some warm clothes and grabbed a blanket and headed out.

I hopped the fence to the local golf course which is about a mile west of where I live, and I laid down on one of the hills facing east nearby one of the greens.

What I saw of the meteor shower was pretty neat. I think I was too early to see the real height of it, and there was still a lot of light pollution flooding in. But I saw a fair number of them. About 3:30, I was pretty tired. I decided to head back because I was afraid I'd fall asleep and get nudged awake by a putter attached to some local cardiologist. (Donnie Darko did it, and look what happened to him)

A good way to spend an hour, anyways. Much better than sleeping smiley - yawn

Perseid Shower

Post 2

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I hadn't heard anything about a meteor shower- do you know if we have been able to see it from up in my neck of the woods?

Although I was in bed well before 1:30 AM. I get up for work around 4:00.

Sounds like it would have been a wonderful experience. I'm not much of an astronomy buff, either, but I've never seen a meteor shower either, so that would have been a really cool thing to see.

(And did you really need warm clothes last night? We needed the air conditioning. I much prefer weather that warrants warmer clothing. smiley - envy)

Perseid Shower

Post 3


4:00 AM? smiley - yikes

I think you should be able to catch it. This entry proved helpful - A411463 It just peaked last night apparently. And I don't see any reason why your area wouldn't see it.

I did actually need warm clothes. And the blanket was a good decision too. The ground was soaking wet from the sprinklers on the golf course which they turn on after dark.

Perseid Shower

Post 4

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Ooh, looks like there's time enough for me to try to see it over the weekend at least. We'll be out in the boondocks visiting my in-laws this Saturday; maybe we'll be able to see it from there. I'll definitely try!

If I'd have had to sit on wet ground I'd have needed a blanket, too.

(Rising early isn't so bad- my better half starts his shift at 6:00, so since I'm already up, I go in to the office around that time as well. I leave for the day at 5:30. Among the benefits is avoiding rush hour each way. smiley - winkeye)

Perseid Shower

Post 5


I'll have to see if it's visible from this side of the world :-8 The first meteor shower I saw was from a boat anchored on the Great Barrier Reef and was one of the most amazing experiences smiley - wow It felt like the sky was reorganising itself smiley - weird

Perseid Shower

Post 6


I saw one many, many years ago. I'd like to see another one before I die. Trouble is, I'm never in the right place at the right time. Meaning outside in the middle of the night. Maybe when I retire.

Perseid Shower

Post 7

psychocandy-moderation team leader

>I'm never in the right place at the right time. Meaning outside in the middle of the night.


I've never seen one. I'd love to. I'm going to try!

Perseid Shower

Post 8


Again last night smiley - smiley It was lovely.

Perseid Shower

Post 9

Skankyrich [?]

Sweet that you remembered this thread, J.

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