A Conversation for Talking Point: A Good Read

Pass the Matches, my eyes are tired!!!

Post 1

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

The book I have read and given away most often, and had to replace, is Jonathan Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach. I must have given away at least a dozen. The religous allegries appeal, from my viewpoint as an agnostic.
The main book/s is/are Lord of the Rings, which I've read on average twice a year since 1975. As I've got older I've got something different out of it/them each time.
Another is the complete works of Rudyard Kipling, written by our first Nobel prize-winner for literature.
At present I am reading Charles Kingsley's 'Our Heroes'- Greek Stories.
Another fave is The Water Babies, which hjave given me my philosophy on life--Do As You Would Be Done By--a character in the book.

smiley - musicalnote

Pass the Matches, my eyes are tired!!!

Post 2


I adore Jonathan Livingston Seagull...it was a favorite of my dad's. I also love Bach's Illusions, another excellent book.
smiley - fairyRavenLuna

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