This is the Message Centre for red elmo!


Post 1

Dancer (put your advert here)

Thanks for the cake smiley - winkeye

I'm Dancer, and though I'm not really an ACE (ACEs are firendly people who come to greet you when you join - but your space sounds like you already know these things), and even not really a proper GA (Guardian Angle) these days, I came to greet you and welcome you to H2G2.

I also offer my help, just ring if you have a question or something to tell me, or if you just want to talk smiley - cool

smiley - whistlesmiley - musicalnote

smiley - hsif


Post 2

red elmo!

why thankyou dancer.. how very kind of you - and quick too!! just finding my way around.. used to be a member some years ago, just checking out the changes and looking for some interesting conversations to get into..



Post 3

Dancer (put your advert here)

Why don't you use your old User?

smiley - hsif


Post 4

red elmo!

i cant remember my login name or password..... uh der.... how dumb does that make me sound...could have been tabitha, but no recollection your honour.....

Hello and welcome back red elmo..

Post 5

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hi red elmo..(and Hi Dancer too)..smiley - smiley..

I'll assume you know your way around..&..instead of offering you advice..&..and links..I'll just say..Welcome back..hope you enjoy your time here..smiley - biggrin..

smiley - rose

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