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Koyaanisqatsi Started conversation Mar 7, 2003
Having a bad time with my bicycle this week...
I was supposedly to do a night ride with my CTC on Tuesday night but didn't make it because I lost my way to the oub where we are meeting up..
On Thursday morning on my way into work my bicycle has its back wheel loose because it lost the bolt (!) And then a severe punture on the same wheel...I was wondering why it was almost impossible to go uphill on the normal gear...
Ended up having to walk 40minutes to work because I was half way along a motorway...
This morning my wheel came off again so I have to push my bike back home (20mins) then take 2 buses to work....1hr15mins journey...
You get automobilophobia - anything auto-mobiles are just distasteful...getting on the bus was a traumatising experience...lucky I have got my copy of "The Name of a Rose" with me (by Umbertino Eco, very good)to keep my mind from thinking about the bus journey itself...
Do you get withdrawl symptoms for not getting onto your bicycles? Because I certainly do and it does not help being on a Friday as well...'tis terrible...I get really depressed...People just thought that I was under the weather...
Anyway. Enough moaning from me. For those of you who read this, have a nice weekend!
Friday 7th Mar 2003
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