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Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 1


If I can't even make the grammar work in word, what hope do I have of mastering guide ml?
Previewing is always a good idea, boots.

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 2


Is that a rhetorical question? smiley - whistle

boots, dear one, challenges are what makes life interesting.

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 3


Dang! .....make life interesting......I can't do anyhting right these days......smiley - run

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 4

LL Waz

Nohting at all H smiley - winkeye

You've got a touch of woodstockitis boots?


Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 5

LL Waz

Haven't seen you around in a while boots, so just dropping by to say hi.

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 6


Hi Waz
Thanks for dropping by. Still lurking but difficult time at the mo and can't write a thing. Not much point in boiling the kettle if all you make is steam eh? It will sort itself and the old dog will be annoying you all again before too long.
take care
boots (off for a cup of tea)

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 7


smiley - hug

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 8


Hey, new to the online guide, but not to the guide. Remember what's printed on the front of the guide, "Don't Panic!" Try slowing down, sipping your favorite poison ( I reccomend Ye Olde Janx Spirit ) and going with your stengths. Me, I am an old pro at screwing things up and can tell you that no luck lasts forever, even the bad. smiley - smiley

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 9


*joins in group smiley - hug*

Is it warm enough where you are to get outside and putter around the garden? That always helps me when I'm stressed and blue.

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 10

logicus tracticus philosophicus

I can't even make the grammar work in word::
smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl
Neither can i, thats the beauty of it, much more fun,the ,anticiapation , all you need master is cut and past, always save last working copy as word file (the bits between --
depend on h2g2-get writeing, alibaster/or plain is best for editing
brunel is ok.
Plenty of researchers will help if they cansmiley - okI tend to confuse though more than help.
smiley - ermsmiley - silly

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 11

LL Waz

smiley - hugs too.

My garden's beyond the scope of a putter. JCB more like.

I think I'd find driving a JCB very de-stressing. Wonder what the hourly pay rate is.


Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 12

logicus tracticus philosophicus

I think I'd find driving a JCB very de-stressing. Wonder what the hourly pay rate is.smiley - coollittle mini versions good as well
have had expearence, the power rollers are good to drive as well,(hire centre rates cheap) in U.K.
Last time i checked was around £25.00,+ (skilled work).unskilled 15+
you can get them from hire centres ,mini ones are often under
£50.00 a period (3-8)hours
check out ebay you could buy one cheaply, smiley - silly

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 13

LL Waz

A mini one won't do. I want the biggest JCB there is. And what I had in mind was someone paying me to drive it smiley - winkeye.

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 14


My forte is definitely delegation smiley - winkeye.
Garden mowed, shelves put up and bathroom tiles to be sorted tomorrow...and all I had to do was make the tea! Friends are smiley - cool and so are you lot!
take care

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 15

LL Waz

So are you, and you take care too.

And if you want anything JCB'd I'll cut you a good deal as my first customer (I need the practice). Any holes dug, hedges removed, walls demolished, playing fields levelled? Anything transported to the civic amenities? Anyone transported to the civic amenities? Any civic amenities transported? Like the bus shelter moved to the other side of town? The street light a few yards to the left or to a more aesthetically pleasing angle? The civic centre brought closer? All jobs considered and written guestimates provided.
Just say the word.


Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 16


Offsprung's mobile un taxed ashtray removed from the drive?..ok maybe 'drive' is pushing it, space in front of the house?

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 17


Ok, I can't stand it any longer. Waz, what the heck is JCB?

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 18

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Basicly a whacking great boys toy, you will know it as a
tractor, often found with several attachments giant arm with bucket,
giant plough, alsoi phnematic drill ,all good funsmiley - ok

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 19

logicus tracticus philosophicus
See hear

Is there any arena I am not challenged in?

Post 20


smiley - cool

The small one is what we call a backhoe.

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