This is the Message Centre for Boots

Far out and far East

Post 1


Good night was had by all

Far out and far East

Post 2


Hiya Boots!

smiley - bigeyes Nice pictures and captions smiley - biggrin

smiley - blacksheep

Far out and far East

Post 3


Thanks me old mucker. Tomorrow I have to do the hard bit...the two columns smiley - winkeye
take care and night night
tired boots

Far out and far East

Post 4

Trout Montague

And I suppose my invitation got lost in the post?

Far out and far East

Post 5


Laughs... out loud! Morning Trout so sorry I thought you were there!
take care

Far out and far East

Post 6

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs


Far out and far East

Post 7


Looks like it was a good party and the sari is gorgeous, just like its wearer.

I know how hard it is to socialise on your own and you did well, girl.

smiley - hug

Far out and far East

Post 8


Thanks all. yes C it was a bit difficult but most of the gang were there and of course Luke Skywalker is Ravager pup. The most fun was being dressed in an Indian household...that was just the coolest!
I have decided to become an honorary indian! I love their clothes and their manners and their food and I so don't do cold!
take care

Far out and far East

Post 9


Lovely pics, boots. I have always been fascinated with India. Maybe a past lifetime. Who knows. The sari is beautiful. smiley - rose

Hsmiley - rainbow

Far out and far East

Post 10


How fabulous. We shall look forward to all the fabricated details. smiley - smiley

smiley - orangefish

Far out and far East

Post 11

LL Waz

I dressed up in a sari for a murder/mystery party this time last year - they're really nice to wear.

I'm also looking forward to all the details in the Post. Fabricated as in "allegedly" is it smiley - smiley?

Far out and far East

Post 12


fabricated details could be the details of fabric I suppose.

smiley - orangefish

Far out and far East

Post 13


Fabric details are always interesting; 'Never Mind the Quality Feel the Width', a comedy tv series from many years ago.

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