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Post early for Christmas

Post 21


H has discovered that serving Buck's Fizz at brekkie and keeping me suitably topped up through the day helps no end smiley - laugh. There may only be three of us on Xmas Day, so it will be alot quieter than previous years.

I've got circuit training this morning smiley - groan. Xmas shopping would be preferrable, almost!

Post early for Christmas

Post 22


I haven't really enjoyed Christmas for several years. It's way too much work. I think it's time to simplify the season. I'm not doing cards this year. For years I made my own cards so they could be personalized. Then when I ran out of time and started sending out the commercial ones again everyone was po'd.

And I'm not going to put up the outside lights. Why? I'm inside. The neighbors enjoy them - I don't. Then it's always freezing when it's time to take them down. I may not put up my Christmas tree. I didn't last year because of Frank's illness. He was in the hospital for 26 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I put some little wooden ornaments and a string of cheap lights on a potted Norfolk Pine and called it Christmas. I have a gorgeous, expensive tree, so I may relent and get it out again. Or maybe not.

My grandkids are 1000 miles away and are growing up so there's no toys to shop for. I'll send them some money. I see them so seldom that I don't know what they like or already have anyway. My grand nephews are still toy age and I hope they manage to come. That would brighten things up. But it's my turn to go out there - only 235 miles away - so they probably won't.

Most of the gifts I buy have to be shipped. So the gift certificate route is becoming more and more attractive. I have about 20 gifts to buy for the Library staff and volunteers. That's always a budget buster. It's the whole thing about feeling obligated that bothers me.

And since I'm taking over this conversation and ranting, smiley - erm I'd like to throw in how hard Christmas is for people without any money. I feel so sorry for parents with kids who want a pile of presents and there isn't any money to buy them. Which brings up my main gripe about Christmas - how did we get to the point where it's just about greed and merchants making a profit? Then the poor little kid will go to school and his teacher will ask all the kids to stand up in class and tell what Santa Claus brought them. And the poor kid will be embarrassed and hurt.

And the message that Santa Claus brings toys to 'good' little boys and girls really hacks me off. The child without presents will then think that it's his fault that he didn't get anything. There's no way to get rid of Santa Claus now. It's too ingrained in our culture. But I'd like to kill the old guy off.

Then there's the problem that my dad died on Dec.26th. Christmas was his holiday. He adored it, and we always made a big deal of it because of him. Now my mom is gloomy and doesn't want to celebrate it at all.

Ok, I'll shut up now and go make breakfast.

Post early for Christmas

Post 23


Rant away've earnt it. smiley - cuddle
I do so agree with the foul profiteering aspect of the whole nightmare and the childhood guilt trip...quite gross.
I tried to write the 'have to send' cards this morning and have ended up a mess. Leaky eyes all day and stone weight in heart. I so wish I'd kept to my original plan, not to be here, but the puppies need to be alas. It will be horrendous in a 'let's all be cheerful and pretend' manner. Mother, who hated Ravager, will stay for far longer than ever before. The puppies will hopefully bring their attached and make merry and guest and daughter will expect me to be the comic bestowed role. Cards will be relegated to basket...twig tree with lights I can just about manage. Oh how I wish it were May.
I shall think of you and hope that one little thing happens to make it special.
take care

Post early for Christmas

Post 24


Here Boots - have a smiley - hug and a smiley - towel. This'll be the worst one and once it's out of the way, it's gone.
Still remember the first one after my father died - how on earth my poor Ma got through it with four kids under the age of nine I do not know.

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