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It is party time again

Post 1


Hi Ravager. It is party time again. Many young peeps that you do remember are here having good time in garden that was your most favourite. There is Patrick the gardener who you did not so approve of because you did think that somewhere in himself he was not quite proper and slightly not good person. I do think you were wrong on that count, but I do still listen to you so have not passed any kind of judgement. He has been most special peeps ( he did three wedding headresses for me on friday and he is not even proper florist puppy). The pups do thank him for taking care of me. They think he is most special because he is gay and does not like most unhygenic behaviour like some who are doing dirty dirty sniffy hello peeps to very old lady who is so not interested in that stuff. I am being cautious however because I do trust you. There is best neighbour Betty who has also lost most special peeps. Not the dying kind of goodbye you understand, the leaving you for someone else kind of losing, which is even more terrible. There are also the eight girlies who did grow with baby boots and who are most special. We did laugh about time I took them to great theatre in London to see show where everyone had to wear suspender belts and stockings. We were late and I did play 'let's be police car' game and sounded horn all the way to theatre. They think I was most cool for that. Their new sniffy sniffy's also think we were cool. They did ask if it was all right to make special if it wouldn't be. Why would I change your world? It has been most terrible time Ravager. I had to do wedding in place we last did wedding together and busy stuff and paperwork stuff that you always did because I did hate so much.
The girlies are most beautiful and dirty sniffy sniffy pups who chase them are also cool. One is going to be great film maker like Stephen Spielberg, another will be most famous discoverer of new plants and animals in the rain forest, he is Baby boot's young man and very would approve. I wish you had met him, you would have had fine time together. I so want to write funny stuff Ravager, stuff that did make you laugh and say 'Hey Boots that is cool!' But it does not work so well now. Nothing works so well now. The television has broken, but I do not miss it. I miss you and I miss being able to write, but mostly I miss you. Baby boots says I must not do so much stuff on place that is not real because it can become like prosack...she may be right but it helps.
They have all gone now it is quiet. We did listen to you sing again..p'raps that is not good idea for every day. Oh Ravager I do not know. I am very small sad hound...I do not understand.

It is party time again

Post 2


Ahem. Apologies for this entry which has quite rightly been removed from journal but which embarrassingly still exists. A self indulgent, leaky eyed, alcohol induced ramble that should have stayed firmly in spinning head. Have since starched upper lip and sent something in to AW for the post.
Jolly good night.

It is party time again

Post 3


Hey Boots
I'm glad you posted it, anyhow, and I won't be the only one.
Congratulations on making the Front Page, too. Only hope it doesn't seem too far out of time to you now.
You're really quite an inspiration, you know that?
Pinsmiley - cheerup

It is party time again

Post 4


Thanks Pin. Pleased about the edited thing natch but not proud...says it all eh?!
night night

It is party time again

Post 5


So you don't want a lead to a possible new agent then! I see you lurking...nah nah n nah nah!
catch this thread or be damned!
take care
bolshy boots

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