A Conversation for Prose v comics - or an unholy friendship

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A40722365 - Prose v comics - or an unholy friendship

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Entry: Prose v comics - or an unholy friendship - A40722365
Author: Lucifal - U7774150

Do comics have literary merit?

A40722365 - Prose v comics - or an unholy friendship

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Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I'm smiley - sorry but I think you have the wrong forum. I suggest you either put this in your journal on your personal space (PS) or alternatively in the askh2g2 forum. Please remove this by going into this forum and click remove.

A40722365 - Prose v comics - or an unholy friendship

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A40722365 - Prose v comics - or an unholy friendship

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smiley - panda

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A40722365 - Prose v comics - or an unholy friendship

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