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Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) Started conversation Jan 17, 2003
can i guess u'r name? i think i know what it is, but in case U don't want it broadcasted, i thought i would ask U b4 writing it. can i guess? please?
sorry. that was a rather odd way to start a conversation.ignore me. i shall go and sit in the corner...
Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) Posted Jan 22, 2003
HAHA...that may have seemed a little childish...i have an excuse...but i refuse to share it with U...
I think U'r RL name is TIM...i could B wrong though...
Honorary God Posted Jan 22, 2003
Awww go on, don't be a spoilsport. What's your excuse? I did let you guess my real name (Which was of Course correct, TIMO meaning Honouring and Theos Meaning God, Timotheos - Timothy - Tim. Well done you win the £5 and a picture of a sporty Hatchback). Oh here is the moose smiley you asked for}:8). Are you sure it's not a pig with bushy eyebrows? Ooops got to go I have just run over the cats tail. HG
Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) Posted Jan 23, 2003
U ran over the cat's tail? witht the car or the wheelie chair?
my excuse for being childish is this:
i have a mental age of three and a physical age of 15. (therefore, i am a child and allowed to be childish).
Honorary God Posted Jan 23, 2003
I ran over the Cat's tail with the weelie chair. I haven't got around to fitting H2G2 in the car yet, but it's just a matter of time.
As for mental age I think we are probably about the same. (I may possibly be slightly younger.) Physically - we won't go in to that, put it this way almost certainly more than my actual years on Earth. HG
Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) Posted Jan 24, 2003
Honorary God Posted Jan 24, 2003
Yes Thanks, the cat was fine - she's used to it. You would think she would learn not to leave her tail sticking out wouldn't you?
What I actually said was that I was physically older than my time on earth...(Pauses for effect)...You can read in to that what you will - or you could say you are as old as you feel and I feel about 230. (and some would unkindly suggest that I looked it as well)HG
Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) Posted Jan 24, 2003
so which planet are U actually from?
Honorary God Posted Jan 24, 2003
Now Moose you should know that I couldn't possibly divulge that sort of information - not on open net - Walls have ears. (and antlers too sometimes
Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) Posted Jan 25, 2003
oh right...ah the cat an earthling?
Honorary God Posted Jan 25, 2003
Oh yes - inasmuch as she was born here. (of course we all know that all cats are really space aliens)HG
Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) Posted Jan 25, 2003
my cat isn't. it's mentally disabled. he fell off the roof when he was young and landed on his head (strange thing for a cat to do, huh?). and now he has a few problems and lives in the dog kennel outside. he's just not intelligent enough to be from space.
Honorary God Posted Jan 25, 2003
Ahhh poor pussy cat! Perhaps he was trying to fly home when he fell from the roof.
My Cat will sit and stare at nothing on the carpet for ages, (she is probably communicating with the home world)
I'd watch out if I were you, they will probably come down to collect him to repair the faulty circuits.
Anyway - nuff about superior beings from other worlds, where can I go to find out how to do all the other great smilies? I only know two and I found them by accident I tell a lie I know three
but they are just variations of the same theme, I've seen people use Pork Pies and cakes and beer and fish an everything. HG
Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) Posted Jan 26, 2003
U'r a newbie, ain't U? have u been ACEd yet?
i think i might B falling down on the job....
click on any of the above smileys (or any smiley, for that matter) and U will be taken to the smiley page, where it explains all.
Honorary God Posted Jan 26, 2003
Yes I am a newbie, well sort of - I was on here before it was a BBC site.I err... went away for a while then I came back and here I am.
In fact I nearly went for a while again just now. Yesterday I inadvertantly pressed the logout button and it wouldn't let me back in again. I had to be readvised of my password and then I had to try 15 different variations of my log in name before I found the right one.
I thought you were ACEing me. I don't think you were falling down on the job - You made me feel most welcome.
Thanks for the Smiley tip. HG
Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) Posted Jan 27, 2003
that wasn't an ACE...ACEing invovles much more intelligence and the posting of useful links...that was just a childish outburst...
but i will ACE u if u want...
Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) Posted Jan 28, 2003
Honorary God Posted Jan 30, 2003
err.... Hello (echo's emptily back) I'm still waiting very patiently to be ACEed. (Taps fingers)... HG
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- 1: Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) (Jan 17, 2003)
- 2: Honorary God (Jan 18, 2003)
- 3: Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) (Jan 22, 2003)
- 4: Honorary God (Jan 22, 2003)
- 5: Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) (Jan 23, 2003)
- 6: Honorary God (Jan 23, 2003)
- 7: Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) (Jan 24, 2003)
- 8: Honorary God (Jan 24, 2003)
- 9: Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) (Jan 24, 2003)
- 10: Honorary God (Jan 24, 2003)
- 11: Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) (Jan 25, 2003)
- 12: Honorary God (Jan 25, 2003)
- 13: Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) (Jan 25, 2003)
- 14: Honorary God (Jan 25, 2003)
- 15: Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) (Jan 26, 2003)
- 16: Honorary God (Jan 26, 2003)
- 17: Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) (Jan 27, 2003)
- 18: Honorary God (Jan 27, 2003)
- 19: Moose }:8) BOYCOTTING ALL SMILEYS UNTIL YOU GIVE US A MOOSE!!!(the first to own a conceptual spork!!!) (Jan 28, 2003)
- 20: Honorary God (Jan 30, 2003)
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