A Conversation for Airline Food

Peer Review: A933888 - Airline Food

Post 1


Entry: Airline Food - A933888
Author: dracoverdi - U212101

This was written as consolation for travellers confused by the "meals" offered by airlines, and as such, dates from a time when offering a meal-like service was a common practice among airline companies.

It was intended, mostly, as a humorous piece.

Peer Review: A933888 - Airline Food

Post 2

McKay The Disorganised

I like it ! smiley - cheers

Peer Review: A933888 - Airline Food

Post 3


From the Writing-Guidelines, I'd suggest rewriting the bits in the first person in the third person. If you must talk about yourself, you could say, for example, "This researcher..." instead of "I..." smiley - ok


Peer Review: A933888 - Airline Food

Post 4


I didn't understand the "Edited" part of the edited guide as well when I submitted this article as I think I do now. I realized I probably shouldn't have submitted it for that purpose shortly after the fact, unfortunately I could see how to shift to the appropriate place at that point.

If one were putting together an entry on the subject of regrettable airline food, you wouldn't try to merge items of the sort that I've written. You might introduce the entry discussing the widely experienced, deplorable condition of the food service on airlines; possibly give some rare counter examples (Midwest Express in America is an example); add some pieces like the one I’ve written, of various passenger reactions to the problem; and then invite wide collaboration on ways to survive the problem. I understand the Wolfgang Puck, back when he could only afford to fly only economy class, used to pack smoked salmon sandwiches and bring his own wine, leaving his seat mate to ask where he got his meal. The factual, informative, and practical point to this article would be the (collaborative) suggestions for survival under the new rules of airline travel.

Maybe you should just shift it to the writer's workshop and I'll apologize for wasting everyone's time.

Peer Review: A933888 - Airline Food

Post 5


I would not consider it a waste of time at all!

You can take it out of Peer Review yourself -- you can do that by clicking the "Remove from Peer Review" link on the entry.


Peer Review: A933888 - Airline Food

Post 6


I'm thinking about your original comment while other people (hopefully) comment. For now I'd like to leave it where it is.

Peer Review: A933888 - Airline Food

Post 7


OK smiley - smiley


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