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Dominion Day item for The Post.

Post 1

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Is Canada doing anything special for Dominion Day for this Jubilee Year? Dmitri is going to do a North American (haha) edition for July 2 and as one of the most content providing Canadian Researchers, I thought I would ask you smiley - grovel if you'd contribute anything about the Canadian celebration. Just send it to the smiley - thepost email address if you can bring yourself to contribute anything.

Dominion Day item for The Post.

Post 2


smiley - erm We've called it "Canada Day" for a couple of decades now. smiley - erm

I don't think anybody here connects Canada Day in any way with the Monarchy, Jubilee year or not. In fact, I had to reread your `post to realize that you were asking about the Jubilee. It sort of feels like you're asking whether Canadians are doing anything s`pecial for Canada Day this year being as it's the fourth year of ~President Obama's term. We celebrated (those of us who did) the Jubilee at the appropriate time, just like you. Canada Day is about celebrating our country, not this particular Queen's anniversary.

It's pretty much the usual thing: mapleleafs, fireworks, feeling good about each other.

I don't really have time to do any writing about it at the moment, I'm afraid. smiley - sorry

I'm really not around here much anymore.smiley - erm

Happy National Aboriginal Day, BTW.smiley - smiley

Dominion Day item for The Post.

Post 3

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Thanks for the update!

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