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27.11.2012 - Going Through The Stop-Motions

Post 1


Yesterday I went to the cinema (an unusual event in itself since having children) to see a documentary about childhood hero Ray Harryhausen, entitled 'Ray Harryhausen Special Effects Titan' at the Harbour Lights Picture House. This was the only showing on the only day it was on in the only cinema in Southampton (and, I believe, Hampshire) showing it . After the screening their was an unanounnced Q&A session with Tony Dalton, Curator of the Harryhausen Foundation and author of many books about and with Ray Harryhausen (he lives on the Isle of Wight) who was the producer of the documentary, and he'd brought along with him a skeleton from Jason And The Argonauts and the ornithomimus dinosaur from The Valley of Gwangi.smiley - wow

I had a good long chat with him in the bar afterwards (I offered, but the skeleton didn't want a drink).


27.11.2012 - Going Through The Stop-Motions

Post 2


Just as well, he probably can't hold his drink, anyway smiley - tongueout

27.11.2012 - Going Through The Stop-Motions

Post 3

Icy North

I'm really jealous! I love those movies. Is he on tour? Do you have a link?

27.11.2012 - Going Through The Stop-Motions

Post 4


You can see As you can see the film is only being shown in 11 venues in the UK and mainly this week - as most of the next showings are on Wednesday, I don't know which events, if any, will be attended by Harryhausen's creatures, but apparently Harryhausen himself attended the London premiere.

If you still do subediting in your spare time (!), there'll be a 4-article University project on Harryhausen coming soon which I will be looking for a subeditor to volunteer for... smiley - winkeye


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