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9.5.2012 - These Boots were made for Walking

Post 1


I have a pair of hiking boots I am very fond of.

They have trod the soils of three continents.
They have walked inside Pyramids, temples, cathedrals, forts, farms and zoos.
They have walked the battlements of castles and the walls of mediƦval towns.
They have walked Britain from East to West shore.
They have followed Hadrian's Wall, walking in the footsteps of history.
They have circumnavigated the Isle of Wight.
They have traced the whole border of an entire country in a day.
They have been transported by steam train, areoplane and by car near and far.

They now have a hole in them.smiley - grr


9.5.2012 - These Boots were made for Walking

Post 2


smiley - cheerup

I hope you find some good replacements. It's hard to replace a beloved pair of shoes. smiley - brave

smiley - fairy

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9.5.2012 - These Boots were made for Walking

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