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The Muppets
Bluebottle Started conversation Nov 2, 1999
This weekend, Sarah & I saw "Muppet Treasure Island". Now, I hadn't seen it before, only "Christmas Carol" so long ago that all I remember about it is that Michael Caine from Zulu was in it, and not a lot of people know that. I never saw the new series of the Muppets - I was always out. But I remember the old series and the Muppet Babies cartoons, I also "The Muppet Movie" fairly recently, and my favourite character was always Ralph the dog. But he wasn't in "Treasure Island" at all - I looked and looked, and he wasn't! This is a disgrace!
So, why isn't he in it? Is he in the new Muppet Film "Muppets From Space"? And what general muppet comments does anyone have, peoples favourite characters etc... Please write them here!
The Muppets
Eccles Posted Nov 2, 1999
The muppets are cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooehl!
I personally joint-own two muppet movies AND THE kermit-the-frog with my best mate Mat. Hmm....I hope
that Ralf will be in the forthcoming MUPPETS FROM SPACE MOVIE and if he isn't I'll write to my
good mate Jerry Juhls asking him why.
The Muppets
Bluebottle Posted Nov 2, 1999
Really? I personally joint-own 2 Muppet Movies too.... And Kermit got home well. He's sitting on my CDs at the moment, feeling very well, and relieved to get out of the smoking car of the train! He says he missed Ralph in Muppet Treasure Island, but doesn't know what the future is... Didn't you save lots of Muppet pictures from the site? Were any of them of Ralph?
The Muppets
Eccles Posted Nov 2, 1999
You know, i just can't remember, kid. I'll tell yuo what, give me a few secs and I'll go and check the site.
In the words of Arnie, "I'll be back"
The Muppets
Bluebottle Posted Nov 2, 1999
Okay, I'll be here. Just let me know, and please don't break my heart!
The Muppets
Eccles Posted Nov 2, 1999
Are you sitting down mate, erm, I don't know how to tell yuo this, but it doesn't mention Ralph on the page
at all........but that means nothing! Erm, I'm sure he's in it. If its any consolation, Miss Piggy's in it....
The Muppets
Bluebottle Posted Nov 2, 1999
So who does it mention? Kermit? Gonzo? Fozzy? That interloper Rizzo? Why isn't Ralph in it??? I always loved the piano playing dog (in a pet kind of way). And Miss Piggy is no real consolation.
I'm very upset.
The Muppets
Bluebottle Posted Nov 2, 1999
Was Ralph in the new TV series of The Muppet Show, do you remember? Anyone who knows, tell me!
The Muppets
Adz Posted Nov 3, 1999
I recall there being a few muppets that have gone missing and others apperar to take their place over time. My favourite was Scooter as a kid, but I was never sure why. Those Muppet movies are always good for a laugh, and you have to wonder how they managed to do that since Disney acquired them.
The Muppets
Bluebottle Posted Nov 3, 1999
I agree that the muppets have managed to get on quite well since being Disneyfied, but at the cost of losing Ralph is too high a price to pay in my opinion. But then, as the one of the only "Dark Crystal" fans that I know, looks like Jim Henson's going more commercial.
The Muppets
Adz Posted Nov 3, 1999
I can remember seeing that as a kid, and those gartham(sp?!) scared the bajillikers out of me. I really like that sort of plotline too, some badass stuff happens in ancient history, only to have repercussions later that some young hero has to fix.
And the "Of course not, you're a boy." line is just superb.
Muppet's are at their best when they're singing, dancing and entertaining, though it goes to show they make great believable 'actors' in a fantastical world.
The Muppets
Bluebottle Posted Nov 3, 1999
Yes, which is why "Labyrinth" has to be one of THE very best films of the 80s. It's the best of both worlds - singing and dancing (including Danny John-Jules from Red Dwarf!!!!) plus acting in a fantastical situation. David Bowie does the best thing in his otherwise forgetable career, and the Escher-like ending is mind-blowing. Superb! Jim Henson & Jerry Juhls, we love you. Or, we would if you were Rowlf more often.... (According to IMDB, Jim Henson himself plays Rowlf, but he isn't in Muppets From Space....
The Muppets
Adz Posted Nov 4, 1999
Cat was in labyrinth? Who'd he play?
And you're right, it was a great movie mixing children, puppets and adults to again create a fantastical world that people would just use special effects these days to duplicate. How sad.
Still, as long as there are people that like hearing muppets sing, they'll keep on singing!
The Muppets
Bluebottle Posted Nov 5, 1999
Cat didn't do much for Labyrinth, he was the voide singing the "Fire-eyes" song - the muppets who throw their weight, bodies, heads and other anatomy about!
It sure is true about over-using CGI. I mean, CGI is all well and good, but when even breakfast cereal ads use CGI, you want a change. Leave it to the sci-fi blockbuster explosions etc, but for nice, cute charm, you can never beat a puppet. I mean, it's proven! Who do we love most from Star Wars? Yoda or Jar Jar Binks?
Yoda, of course! (Who was played by Frank Oz, who was Miss Piggy/Fozzy Bear etc in The Muppets....)
The Muppets
Muse Posted Nov 5, 1999
It's pretty hard to continue in the exact same direction once one of the originators dies, I think Muppets are shifting, yes, but not so far from where Jim Henson originally directed them from.
The Muppets
Bluebottle Posted Nov 8, 1999
I think you're right, but they could still use the same puppets as the ones we grew up with. Or perhaps I'm just being too fussy.
The Muppets
Adz Posted Nov 8, 1999
Nah, you're not. I thought that Henson Jr was doing a pretty good job as the new Kermit. I'm sure there are so many reruns of those old shows to keep everyone happy with something that they haven't seen.
Though if people move on, as they inevitably do, then that's quite normal. I can't recall many shows that have the same actors in them as they did in the 70's.
We can always look back with fond memories, and seek out something new.
The Muppets
Muse Posted Nov 8, 1999
After watching transitions of actors in other series, both television and movies, it's remarkable the blinders the general public puts on. Look at Bond, Batman (ugh, give me back Kilmer), and yeah, the Muppets. For some reason, leaving some untouched is preferable to slipping in a lookalike, soundalike. I dunno, somehow can't picture Luci Arnez with red hair trying to live up to her mother's genius. With the Muppets, shouldn't there be an indelible mark left by the originator?
The Muppets
Bluebottle Posted Nov 8, 1999
Maybe, but when your family takes over, it's not too bad. I mean, take "Sooty", I didn't watch it, but as whoever's son took over the role, it was okay. Trouble with things like "Batman" is you get no connection between the original and who plays him next (rumours say Keanu Reeves - please, NO!!!! Val Kilmer did do well, I agree...)
With Muppets, though, the voice is the only thing that matters. Who noticed when Daffy Duck's voice was done by a different person, and not Mel (I've forgotten his last name - help!) ?
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The Muppets
- 1: Bluebottle (Nov 2, 1999)
- 2: Eccles (Nov 2, 1999)
- 3: Bluebottle (Nov 2, 1999)
- 4: Eccles (Nov 2, 1999)
- 5: Bluebottle (Nov 2, 1999)
- 6: Eccles (Nov 2, 1999)
- 7: Bluebottle (Nov 2, 1999)
- 8: Bluebottle (Nov 2, 1999)
- 9: Adz (Nov 3, 1999)
- 10: Bluebottle (Nov 3, 1999)
- 11: Adz (Nov 3, 1999)
- 12: Bluebottle (Nov 3, 1999)
- 13: Adz (Nov 4, 1999)
- 14: Bluebottle (Nov 5, 1999)
- 15: Muse (Nov 5, 1999)
- 16: Bluebottle (Nov 8, 1999)
- 17: Adz (Nov 8, 1999)
- 18: Muse (Nov 8, 1999)
- 19: Bluebottle (Nov 8, 1999)
- 20: Adz (Nov 8, 1999)
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