This is the Message Centre for Bluebottle

Hey There :)

Post 1

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Im on a wonder to meet new people and suddenly my minds gone blank and Ive completely forgot what I was gonna say smiley - blush

Hey There :)

Post 2


Oh, don't worry about that - happens to me all the time. smiley - smiley
Well, hello Leanne! Welcome to my page! smiley - biggrin
Forgive me if I'm not really sure what to say - but it's a bit hard to reply to a question/comment that has been forgotten smiley - winkeye

Oh well - nothing for it but to have a general chat until you remember what it was you wanted to speak about.

I like chatting to new people smiley - smiley


Hey There :)

Post 3

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

lol thanks smiley - smiley I would blame it on being blonde!

So how are you? Its nice to meet someone close to my age group smiley - smiley

I just wonder about and talk rubbish to people so if I jabber on ignore me smiley - winkeye

Hey There :)

Post 4

Lord Falk LeGrey

Mind if I say couple of words... smiley - smiley
Good morning to everyone. *bows low* smiley - biggrin

Hey There :)

Post 5

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Good Morning, well is it smiley - sadface I cant get out of bed in the mornings its too cold and dark smiley - cry

Hey There :)

Post 6


Hmmkm... It's now a good afternoon, or not, with exams coming up.
Exams - smiley - grr when'll be I able to live a life without them?
Oh well smiley - winkeye
So, where abouts are you from, Leanne, and what do you do?
(And many other unoriginal questions which are always fun to start off with smiley - smiley )


Hey There :)

Post 7

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Good Afternoon smiley - biggrin

Im from Swindon and I work for a Consulting Engineers smiley - sadface Dull and I dont have to do exams anymore smiley - nahnah happy happy joy joy!!!

Hey There :)

Post 8


Swindon - I've heard all sorts of things about Swindon from a friend who lives around there... He didn't like the place much, either...
So, what do consulting engineers do? Or are they just consulted by, well, engineers?
I'm just a student, for better or worse smiley - winkeye


Hey There :)

Post 9

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Its Civil engineering so all about building and construction and stuff smiley - erm I think I dont really do anything while Im there except sit on here smiley - winkeye

Swindon is really crap, I hate living here smiley - sadface

Where are you from?

Hey There :)

Post 10


I'm from Sandown, Isle of Wight - and I really enjoy living there. Except I'm perpetually at Southampton Uni at the moment. But I'm an Islander or Caulkhead through and through.
I don't really do that much, except have a really uninventive part-time job to pay my debts with, and that's about it. smiley - smiley


Hey There :)

Post 11

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Isle of Wight, cool I havent been there for years smiley - sadface when do you get to go back there?

What do you study at Uni? I couldnt do that Im no good at the studying or sitting still for more than 5 minutes

Hey There :)

Post 12


I'm going back to the Island this weekend as it's kinda my birthday on Thursday, apart from that I go back for weekends to visit people, and during the holidays. It's quite easy to get to from Southampton, although to get to Sandown it's easier to go via Portsmouth.
I'm studying History at Uni at the moment - I did do Law for 2 years, but it wasn't really me, so I transferred over. The thing is, I've still got another 2 years to go, and I'm getting into unmanageable debt, which isn't a particularly good thing...


Hey There :)

Post 13

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Thats bad, so you have to work your arse off basically then.

smiley - bubbly Happy Birthday for Thursday smiley - bubbly opps got carried away smiley - drunk

Hey There :)

Post 14


Thanks Leanne. smiley - smiley
Lucklily I don't have to work this Thursday, so I'm thinking about doing something to celebrate... If I can afford it - which depends on when I get my loan. Oh well - you don't want to hear about debts and things, I'm sure. smiley - smiley


Hey There :)

Post 15

Lord Falk LeGrey

Uh, University... smiley - laugh I'll have to try in to that funny place. Maybe I start with media, if not then comes history and philosophy... Well, I hope that there will be something to do... smiley - biggrin

Hey There :)

Post 16

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Do what I do and phone up mummy smiley - smiley

Hey There :)

Post 17


Hmmm... That only works if you get on with your Mum, which we don't.
And Mum's pretty much in debt as it is, so that doesn't help. As for the fact that I have a language problem when I talk to my munm. I understand her accent - and I understand each individual word she says, it's jut that when you add all the words she's said into a sentence, they don't make any sense at all.
So, what would you do at uni, my Lord?


Hey There :)

Post 18

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Lol bless her smiley - smiley

I dont get on with my mum either thats why I moved out smiley - smiley but I still pester her!

Hey There :)

Post 19


Ah right..
I find that the further away from my Mum I am, the closer I feel to her.
Also, it's a lot easier for us to talk when she is visiting me, than when I visit her. Probably because when she visits, as she's at my house, she's reminded that I'm not a baby any more, which is how she treats me when I visit her.
Not that Mum visits that often, though.


Hey There :)

Post 20

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Your lucky my mum visits and tells me how I should be doing things and moaning because my place isnt spotless etc smiley - sadface we dont fight as much anymore thats the only good side to it.

Do you have any brothers/Sisters?

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