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Dear Bluebottle

Post 1

Pheroneous II

On a rare visit to h2g2 I noticed that the editors have retrieved and old entry (W J Linton...) of mine. I have elsewhere expanded, corrected and improved the essay and now put the new improved version at A87828295. As yours is the only name to hand I would request that you somehow manage to substitute the current version for the old one - or ask others so to do. If I need to do anything else, let me know.

Dear Bluebottle

Post 2


Great idea! From what you've said, I'm assuming that you're making a fair number of changes rather than a few minor tweaks, so an Update for the original article seems to be the way you're going?

To do an Update, just as the original article went through Peer Review, the new version will also need to go through Peer Review too. With the new version, are you able to re-name it to
'UPDATE: W J Linton, A Victorian Geezer, with beard' (or 'UPDATE: WJ Linton - Engraver and Author', whichever you prefer). Then it needs to be submitted to Peer Review. When you click on the 'Submit this article' button, can you add these details:

This updates: A515341 WJ Linton - Engraver and Author
Original author: U145986 – Pheroneous

It will then be in Peer Review as per normal for other entries and, after a suitable time has lapsed, will be used to update the entry.smiley - biggrin

Any questions, give me a shout.


Dear Bluebottle

Post 3

Pheroneous II

Done. Thanks.

Dear Bluebottle

Post 4


Ah yes - I see it's over here: F48874?thread=8308793


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