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Blue Forum
Bluebottle Posted Aug 4, 2000
Very true... I think an amoeba would probably be more than confused, though . So, I wonder what all the individual cells in our bodies think of us? Do they consider themselves to be in a co-operative, or ordered about by the brain cells? Funny if braindamage was really a communist uprising from the cells point of view...
Blue Forum
KimotoCat Posted Aug 6, 2000
I read an otherwise lousy sci-fi once, where a case of cancer was in fact the cells trying to rebel against the brain by developing in other ways than they were supposed to.
The point in the story was, that in opposition to other people, this man - the victim, so to say - could HEAR the communication between the individual cells and thus knew what was happening. He wound up dying from cancer in an asylum...
At least I THINK that was the point.
It really is confusing this. Howabout us asking Roasted Amoeba if he has a say on this?
Blue Forum
Bluebottle Posted Aug 6, 2000
I haven't read that story, but it seems appropriate to this conversation. It would be weird if we could communicate properly with each cell - very confusing no doubt.
Yes, we definately need to talk to RA about it.
Blue Forum
KimotoCat Posted Aug 8, 2000
In deed.
You seem to know him/her quite well. Would you tell hi- it, to go see this forum from post 11 or 12 or so, or even before. (11 is the first mention of ants...)
Would be nice to get the opinion of an expert - that is, a one-celled organism.
Blue Forum
Roasted Amoeba Posted Aug 8, 2000
Speaking from my own personal experience:
Humans exist solely to provide amusement to amoebas.
That's all there is to it...
Blue Forum
KimotoCat Posted Aug 9, 2000
Entertainment to amoebas, to bacteria and vira. Quite. I have been the sole centre of amusement to a vicious strain of inFLUential vira for almost two weeks by now.
Funny-haw-haw in deed...
But thanks for your opinion on the issue of one-celled organisms versus multi-celled ones.
Adieu (snrf) and (cough) have a nice (snivel) day!
Blue Forum
Bluebottle Posted Aug 9, 2000
I guess it shows that Amoebas have a twisted sense of humour.
*realises RA will probably over-hear*
*realises RA will probably agree *
Blue Forum
KimotoCat Posted Aug 12, 2000
Naturally you amoebas pride yourselves with that - NOBODY else find it a quality in amoebas to have your sense of humour! *Coughing - still!*
Blue Forum
KimotoCat Posted Aug 13, 2000
Twelve minutes before I entered this site, I took a piece of paper tissue and put something in it from my nose. Lots of said goo in fact. And I still cough a LOT; we had to cancel our picnic today...
I don't like one-celled humour!
Blue Forum
KimotoCat Posted Aug 14, 2000
(In a coarse voice but with patos) Yup!
Nothing personal, Roast!
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Blue Forum
- 21: Bluebottle (Aug 4, 2000)
- 22: KimotoCat (Aug 6, 2000)
- 23: Bluebottle (Aug 6, 2000)
- 24: KimotoCat (Aug 8, 2000)
- 25: Bluebottle (Aug 8, 2000)
- 26: KimotoCat (Aug 8, 2000)
- 27: Bluebottle (Aug 8, 2000)
- 28: Roasted Amoeba (Aug 8, 2000)
- 29: KimotoCat (Aug 9, 2000)
- 30: Bluebottle (Aug 9, 2000)
- 31: Roasted Amoeba (Aug 9, 2000)
- 32: Bluebottle (Aug 9, 2000)
- 33: KimotoCat (Aug 12, 2000)
- 34: Roasted Amoeba (Aug 12, 2000)
- 35: KimotoCat (Aug 13, 2000)
- 36: Roasted Amoeba (Aug 13, 2000)
- 37: Bluebottle (Aug 14, 2000)
- 38: KimotoCat (Aug 14, 2000)
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