A Conversation for Ice Hockey

No Subject

Post 1

SHAUN 32186

how do you get a photo on your page ?? shaun


Post 2

mrs. slartibartfast

don't know, sorry. what's that got to do with hockey?


Post 3


yea! how do we upload our pics? i mean where to?


Post 4

mrs. slartibartfast

i still don't know. and this has nothing to do with hockey.

Hockey !!

Post 5


Mrs S, you're Hockey Mad!!! Hockey Hockey Hockey, that's all you talk about.. You're obsessed. (Only joking smiley - smiley )

Hockey !!

Post 6

mrs. slartibartfast

i am not hockey mad. but at least that last bit had something to do with hockey. thanks so much.

You have much learn my son.

Post 7


When an Article is written by "h2g2 writing team" it means they have so much more access to not only their html page code, but also to the actul sever, because they work for h2g2. They get to do things that you can't.
Tsk Tsk.

You have much learn my son.

Post 8

mrs. slartibartfast

dare i say it? yes. that has nothing to do with hockey.

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