A Conversation for I want to make a special needs game

Peer Review: A918236 - I want to make a special needs game

Post 1

Piece of the puzzle

Entry: I want to make a special needs game - A918236
Author: Researcher 213959 - U213959

People with a learning disability are often seen as incapable of having interesting ideas. One of the activities I propose within the daycare unit where I work, is playing games - we often discuss which game each person wants to play and they often explain why they think the others should join in. Recently I have introduced games I invented and made, and I soon discovered they had many wishes regarding colours, sizes, rules, accessories and even subjects/illustrations of games. So far two games have been developped and some people helped to make trial versions, they created works of art admired and enjoyed by the others, but the material we have available is not suited for frequent or intensive use thus dampening enthousiasm. The "right" and resistant material as found in the manufactured product becomes important. The call goes out to other readers who may have useful experiences, ideas, information to enable us to create games ourselves adapted to "special needs".

A918236 - I want to make a special needs game

Post 2

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I think you've chosen the wrong forum for this entry, Researcher 213959.

See Writing-Guidelines.

I suspect that you would have much more success in <./>Askh2g2</.> where I'm sure you will get lots of helpful suggestions.

To take this out of Peer Review, click on the Peer Review button in the list, find your entry, and click on the 'X' remove button, then you can take it to <./>Askh2g2</.>.

Good luck!smiley - smiley If you need any help, just ask!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Peer Review: A918236 - I want to make a special needs game

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