A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1421


ive come in for a smiley - stiffdrink

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1422

Tommy t

put it in a vase hun..lol...smiley - rosesmiley - rose theres some more...smiley - smiley

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1423

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

smiley - tea thanx hun put heating on but it causes me to get breathless lol

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1424

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose its ok i kept em not worse than petals stuck inme teeth lol thanx hun xx

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1425

Tommy t

i`m gonna go now hun spk wen i get back smiley - love and say hi tae ur sis wen u spk tae her smiley - rose

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1426

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

alexandria heres a feww smiley - stiffdrink s ive put in more alchhol makes ur head spin lmao.. smiley - tongueout

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1427

Tommy t

spk l8rs byee..

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1428

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

bye hun we,l not ring u during day it,,l wake u up smiley - smileysmiley - hug zsmiley - cuddle

The Folders bar# 21

Post 1429

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

alexandria u stil here hun what u up to tday smiley - smiley

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1430

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - bubblysmiley - run

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1431

Tommy t

wolfie u still here hun..

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1432


Morning ppl smiley - hangover

Oh my what a weekend that was

smiley - oj plz smiley - grovel

smiley - somersault

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1433


baseline would u believe theres a revolt against ur new thread lol thats so typical

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1434

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

tommy im here hun smiley - ghost woooo lol..

hya bassline hows u hun smiley - oj here smiley - biggrin

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1435


bar tender a smiley - cider pls

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1436


Cuddly: I'm fine smiley - ta just a bit smiley - hangover thats all i got home after leaving the club and taking a bit of a walk (i had no idea where i was or was i was doing) at 6 in the morning then sat down and constantly drank smiley - ale untill midnight the next day smiley - yikes

The party was good, limo was good, and the club was smiley - cool a sucessfull night/weekend.

smiley - somersault

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1437


AlexandriaInTransition: I dont really mind the new thread was made to help the digi box users coz the box dont have much mem it dont matter if ppl wanna use the old one still.

smiley - somersault

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1438

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

bassline aw sounds like u both had fun then hun smiley - smileysmiley - hug oohh bet u got the smiley - hangover from hell lol..

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1439


Nah im hardcore me smiley - laugh while evryone else was asleep allover the [place i sat down in my chair and kept on drinking like a smiley - fish and skinning up more joints that i ever had watching the wrestling on sky.

My hangover is gone now just had some munch in the canteen smiley - biggrin

how was your weekend then cuddly.smiley - huh

smiley - somersault

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1440



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