A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1441


Afternoon *passes a smiley - ale* I dont think we've meet before, Nice to meet you smiley - ok

smiley - somersault

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1442


nice to meet you too

*offers a bit of his pizza*

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1443

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Hi Cuddly, Bassline, Tommy, Alexandria & Wereblacktiger

How is everyone today??

smiley - jester

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1444


i am good, though got lots of h/w for after my holiday

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1445

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

h/w?? Is that home-work OR house-work??smiley - erm

smiley - jester

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1446


home work.

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1447

cuddlywolf@bring back digyboxes

hi ne1 smiley - smiley x

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1448

cuddlywolf@bring back digyboxes

am i only one around here on pc smiley - doh
smiley - love cuddly

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1449



The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1450

cuddlywolf@bring back digyboxes

hya tiger hows u hun smiley - smileysmiley - hug

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1451


im good tahnks, you?

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1452

cuddlywolf@bring back digyboxes

tiger im ok hun looks like we only ones in smiley - smiley u been up to much tday then x

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1453


hair cut, bank, went to navy careers office, came home.


The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1454

cuddlywolf@bring back digyboxes

tiger quiet in here hun smiley - sadface heres a smiley - ale for ya xxi went out 4 a while wiv my kids smiley - smiley

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1455

cuddlywolf@bring back digyboxes

smiley - sadface

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1456


OER!!! i see we have had some chnages to h2g2.....but hey its really quiet around here lately!!!!

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1457


SSSHHHSSHHHHH,Im tryin to av a nap ere in the corner smiley - winkeye...oh,good mornin to ya..lol

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1458


quieter perhaps becasue people got fed up when they tried to log in and it said technical difficulties

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1459

cuddlywolf@bring back digyboxes

hi all smiley - winkeye biriyano quiet enough round here lol..hows u tday smiley - smiley
hi ruby/tiger smiley - smiley xx

The FoDlers bar# 21

Post 1460


argh avoiding homework.

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