A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2281


Nice to here you had a smiley - cool weekend me and emz had a great one, the meal was stunning on friday night(we have been 2g4 for a year),saturday night was brilliant i left the club at 7am and walked home to change my top before i went agian and sunday was a little erm slow but we saw 2fast 2furious in the night and it was great.

smiley - jester

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2282

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)


Nice that you had a good weekend.
No rest for the wicked though eh...soon back to work smiley - wah.

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2283


Yeah no rest but it dose catch up with you.smiley - zzz

smiley - jester

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2284

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)


tell me bout it I'm half asleep at the best of times.
Right, I'd better get making a move now or I'll miss the train.
See you later smiley - smiley
smiley - run

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2285


smiley - ok sian have a nice day with your cousin try and get her home in one peace hay.smiley - biggrin

smiley - jester

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2286

TARTAN~TOTTY.. Living On The Edge Of Insanity

morning all smiley - biggrin

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2287


Well hello and good morning tarton-tottysmiley - smiley
Not you about much recently! Anyway i hope your well.

smiley - jester

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2288


smiley - wow i think my fingers are still abit smiley - drunk what i ment was i haven't seen you for a while.

smiley - jester

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2289


Your new bar thread is ready peeps. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F108611?thread=286641&latest=1 have fun bye x

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2290

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)


I had a brilliant day...well one hour shall I say. A bird pooped on me, my purse and bag got nicked, I bought my cousin an ice cream she deliberately dropped it on the floor cause it wasn't strawberry...I slapped her...she threw a tantrum...I shouted at her...she kicked me...I slapped her again...she ran off...I strapped her in a buggy when caught her...she started screaming...so now we're back at home doing nothing lol smiley - biggrin.

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2291


hi everyone im Heather for anyone who remembers me fae LD i was flowerofscotland but as u can c i have a number 2 now! so if anyone wants to chat wi me then do so it'd b great to catch up wi old palssmiley - biggrin u all take care
smiley - love

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2292

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Xian: See you in the new bar#16 thread.

Via the link in post: 2289 smiley - smiley

Hello Heather, just as you get here the bar moved smiley - laugh see you there...

smiley - run

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2293

Loup Dargent

poor heather... she came from the old party room thread..smiley - cry

smiley - ok for those who didn't pay attention [smiley - whistle] the new thread [bar area #16] is here ==> F108611?thread=286641&latest=1

a fresh thread and lots of smiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - redwinesmiley - stoutsmiley - stiffdrink

smiley - smiley
smiley - ale

loupsmiley - fullmoon

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2294

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Whoops I missed that link, must've been a simulpost smiley - whistle

...sorry Loup sir smiley - run

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2295


hiya babe want fun asl plz anyone wantfun then mesg me

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2296


hiya darlin how are ya xxx

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2297



H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2298


Hi funlad smiley - ok

you are very welcome to stop and talk here, but you seem to have the wrong idea about this place,

it is not a dating place, If you look around H2G2 you will find that you can enjoy yourself here,

but if you need a place to get a date, then you might find it better in a real chat room (there is not a chat room on H2G2 )

manda smiley - peacedove

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2299


hi funlad you wont be getting any replys on this bar tread if you click the link >>>>> F108611?thread=286641&latest=1

it will take you to the latest convo where there will be peeps for you chat with. so have fun and i'll see you there

smiley - jester

H2G2 LDers Bar: Bar Area #15

Post 2300

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!


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