A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 301


what only 2 smiley - ale max. I take it u must be very short then or just no good at drinking smiley - alesmiley - laugh

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 302

.DIZZIE.DI. keeper of REBs dodgy tackle lol

BLJ...I dont like smiley - ale at all Yuk!! like vodka ice Ummmm

Kat Devon is next door to Cornwall hence clotted cream on Cornish ice cream yummy

Dismiley - rose

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 303


I live in devon well plymouth to be exact. I drink allsorts if its alcohol it goes down loverly my chaps

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 304

.DIZZIE.DI. keeper of REBs dodgy tackle lol

well time to go back to the reality
washing to get in for the sun goes down see you soon

Di smiley - rose

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 305

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

BLJ love u!
Anyone no where i could get a last minute flight?

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 306

Reality Manipulator

Di I heard about the origin of Cornish Pasties when I went on holiday to Cornwall. I cannot remember where I stayed but it was the place where they had the water scare in the 80's something to do with alimunin. I stayed at a Farm house. I remeber going to a tea house and having a Cornish Cream teas.smiley - biggrin

BLJ I am short, I am just 5 foot and I cannot drink much smiley - ale or smiley - stiffdrink or smiley - redwine I can drink lots of Port but I keep on spilling it.smiley - laugh


Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 307

Reality Manipulator

Emz the internet, teletext and cable tv interactive.smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers Di


Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 308


emz u thinking of going out to see her? The best place would be the net so get serching on easy jet or last minute.com or something

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 309

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

She can get stuffed, i aint going out to c her she said she wasnt coming back for me so she can smiley - bleep right off. My dads trying to go over there to drag here back!

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 310


only 5 foot thats smaller me and emz and i thought we were little oh well that explains it then. the cornish pasty came to be because of the miners they used to use the large dough part to grip the food that was encased within the thiner pastry part so they din't have to eat dirt. they also used to split pasty into to parts one savory and sweet a complete meal in a rap

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 311

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

tried everywhere no one flies out that early for just one day!

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 312


oh ok so thats whats happening

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 313

Reality Manipulator

smiley - tasmiley - cheerssmiley - ok Thanks BLJ for the information.smiley - smiley


Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 314


see i knew that one day my education would come in handysmiley - laugh just glad it was to help someone here thats all. Drinks!smiley - cheers

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 315

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

BLJ im talking to giff on the net he said to tell u ur very lucky

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 316


i.ll be home soon so fill me on it then gtg bye peeps see you all tomorrow.smiley - flyhi

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 317

miss.shy...this life??

smiley - bubbly

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 318


smiley - ale

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 319

miss.shy...this life??

smiley - stiffdrink?

Lders Bar: Beer Garden

Post 320

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

smiley - ale

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