This is the Message Centre for Amanda


Post 1


Hello and welcome to H2G2 i see you have been greeted by an A.C.E. there very helpful like that.
I have been around a while and can be helpful myself from time to time i noticed you posted to the why i love star trek thread so thought i would drop in and say hello i am not around as much as i would like but do check my messages every day so if there is anything you would like to ask me about please feel free to reply.


Post 2


Hi, thanks for dropping me a message. I am a Star Trek lover I am afraid. I am not obsessive or anything, but I do quite like the Next Generation.
I am new to all this as you know and I did not realise people could leave me messages. :O)
How cool.

Thanks again



Post 3


Once you have added something to you space anyone on the site can leave a message as i did!
I must say i liked the new movie NEMESIS i thought it was by far the best trek film since THE WRATH OF KHAN.


Post 4


Your joking about Nemesis, right? smiley - huh
I love the Next Gen crew, but I think they left a lot to be desired in the 10th installment.
But, each to his/her own I say. I loved Generations, but most people thought it was carp. smiley - ufo
Amanda out.

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