This is the Message Centre for MV Whitby May Rose

Another snow day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

More snow has fallen overnight. Chris is meant to be going to Scone but it is hard to see that it will be open. He would have to walk and they have said he can claim the time but still. I hope he doesnt go.

Lizzie took my car yesterday but has decided to go back to walking as the snow was so bad.

I need to do some more work on my job application form and also to type up the BASIC report.

Finn managed to pull the curtain at the back of the living room down last night as he dashed in from the garden and somehow got caught up in it so now I have a lovely view of the snow.

Another snow day

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Not as much progress as yesterday but I think I have finished my job application form. I have just sent it up to Bill for proof reading.

Lizzie is coming home as they have shut at 3 pm.

I am going to have a bit of a think as to whether to spend the rest of the day reading given that I can do the work I have tomorrow seeing as I have cancelled everything and am all ready for Friday anyway.

Bill has put the curtain back up which is good as it made the place a bit cold.

It has been snowing again and the garden is just totally under a sea of white.

Another snow day

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Job application away. Fingers crossed.

I have a massive problem if I get this 5 month contract and the OU job as I would be over the WTD in Feb and March unless I can cut some of my Stirling hours or waive my right to the WTD as I did when I worked for SOSCN. That is what I would rather do but the OU specifically mention it on the material they sent me about the interview and terms of employment so I shall have to wait and see.

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