This is the Message Centre for MV Whitby May Rose

Early Saturday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I woke up when Lizzie started moving about getting ready for work

I had had an early night so decided to get up

It is very dark and quiet

Ive got quite a lot to do this weekend so think I will start it off with a swim and then take it from there. 2 fairly big pieces of work to do. It is funny (?) to think that if I dont get any work to replace my Stirling contract that I will be able to fit all my work into the weekdays and have the weekend free.

Early Saturday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I have had a lovely day so far. Swapped emails with moira and texts with Richard

had a lively swim

I'm now at the watermill in aberfeldy having had a walk with Finn at the hermitage. I got a book I wanted, a present fir Marian for her birthday and a stag head coat hook which I love although am not sure where it can go

I'm going to a garden centre on the way back and to take Finn for another walk

Early Saturday

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hi AM. I just watched the programme from Peet, which I enjoyed immensely. I downloaded it from an internet cafe using a memory stick. I believe God is moving in a miraculous way at the moment. It is pretty amazing. I've got the proof of residence but I want to fax through my new address to the insurance company before I register the car.

Once I've got the car done I'll go and try to find Rigby. The number he gave was actually someone else's number, then they sent a different number which was actually the same number. It was a bit confusing. I'll just go down to the beach or maybe Camps Bay at 7 or whenever Pick & Pay closes in the evening.

Hope you are enjoying your Saturday. It's a quarter to four here.

Early Saturday

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

Went to the garden centre on the way back but they didnt have any houseplants so I will need to go to Dobbies tomorrow.

I tried to go to Dunkeld on the way back but there was nowhere to park to nip into the shops so I went to Luncarty instead.

I came home and listened to some of the afternoon play but being an impatient sort read the synopsis on wikipedia so didnt need to listen to the whole thing

Read the papers and had a lovely sleep.

I watched strictly come dancing and then took Finn out

Lizzie and Cameron are going out so soon it will be just me and the dog.

I will have an early night as lots to do tomorrow seeing as I have given myself today off

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