This is the Message Centre for MV Whitby May Rose

A late start

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I woke at 4 ( and heard Lizzie going to work) but managed to get to sleep and only woke again at 7 when Bills alarm went off

Went for a swim ( another cold start to the day) and then met Chris off the bus and ran him home.

I need to get ready and go through to Stirling. Quite a bitty day. Im not really enjoying work at the moment as am spending a lot of time driving between Stirling and Falkirk and feel as if Im not really getting much done.

Because Ive done the conference submission and the job application in theory I have a free evening tonight.

It looks like Bill is going away at the weekend as is Chris. Lizzie is working so a nice quiet weekend for me to get on with the loads of marking I have to do.

A late start

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Ooh Ive just remembered that I need to resubmit my job application with my dob on it

Not a bad day. I was in the office for a bit, then went to Fallin, then to Falkirk to see S and C and then to observe S and L. Back to the office and then round to Baker St

I went to Tesco on the way home to get some box files. Have now moved all my work stuff and the old videos will go in the boxes that I have emptied. Def getting there.

A quiet evening at home as Chris is at the pics with Kirsten and Lizzie is in Glasgow.

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