This is the Message Centre for kirbsea
Hi Researcher 212335....
manda1111 Started conversation Dec 29, 2002
Hi Researcher 212335
I see that you have already met Terri & Yoda * waves to Terri & Yoda *
but I thought I would Welcome you to H2G2 aswell, my name is manda (well its not really but thats another story) I am from Wolverhampton in the UK, I am your "ACE", (Assistant Community Editors), and I am here to welcome you to H2G2 and to show you around
First, ( as Terri & Yoda have said,) at the moment you will show up as "Researcher 212335" when you post to a conversation, so if you want to change your research number to a nick name that is easier for people to remember, then just click on the preference button and change your nick name there
A few places that I thought might be of interest to you are HERE >>> A725500, were Rocket Man has made a page for new Researcher's to look at,
Or this number >> A534953 which will take you to Shea's List 'o Links.
If you want to brighten up you page you could always look at this page >> A690518 ,
If you need any more help or just want to talk then do not hesitate to ask, you can leave me a message on my page by clicking on this number >> U193090 , or by clicking on the "REPLY" button at the bottom of this page, and I will get back to you,
Have some and a cup of
to keep you going.
Speak to you later <ok
Hi Researcher 212335....
kirbsea Posted Dec 30, 2002
Hi Manda , thanks for taking time out to chat, Ive been busy since before Xmas , saving lives ( well I work in a hospital and saving lives sounds better), had all the family for Xmas and now a few well earned days off, till new years day anyway. How Have you festivities been , good , bad or indifferent, well thats all for now folks Keep safe Kirbsea.
Hi Researcher 212335....
manda1111 Posted Dec 30, 2002
Hi kirbsea
nice to hear from you
glad you had a nice christmas
I had a great xmas, no visitors as I went to visit them, so it was quiet when I wanted it quite, and partying and drink whan I wanted to, can't ask no more than that
how are you finding it here
Hi Researcher 212335....
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Dec 30, 2002
Hows the job, you were bumming the last time I ran across you> Any better? It is rather distressing the state of healthcare for all involved. Hope your New Year is brighter ,Maybe h2g2 will help!
Hi Researcher 212335....
kirbsea Posted Dec 31, 2002
well how do you do , yes job is still a bummer, have applied for a different post same hospital, more money same hours , will I be lucky we will have to wait and see, it will take months to get as far as an interview, so until then ,its back to the recovery room I go. Glad to hear that you had a good chrimbo and I hope your New Year is all that you want it to be, Keep safe .
Hi Researcher 212335....
kirbsea Posted Dec 31, 2002
Are you visiting for new year or are you being visited, Me a bit of both I think , all plans changed at last minute, elderly parents now not coming for a few days , don't know wether to laugh or cry, I don't like New Years eve very much get a bit miserable , dwelling on the past year , which was a bit horrid in places for me , but there were some lovely moments as well , husband and son's homecoming, and daughters wedding, can't help thinking though that I nearly wasn't here to see it all. Have a good 2003 and make the most of every minute, keep safe.
Hi Researcher 212335....
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Dec 31, 2002
U Almost were not there? Do tell if you like, when U have more time. I had a record bad year myself, with sweetness also within the same experiences. I do not get into New Years. I like watching the year end reviews. Especially the best photos of the year. It will be quiet here. Be safe
Happy New Year
Hi Researcher 212335....
kirbsea Posted Jan 1, 2003
Hi avery happy new year to you, thanks for replying, yes I was unwell last year , having decided to under go a op, which took a long time to pluck up courage to have done ,(because I have a blood disorder, and I clot a lot ) 3 minutes into the anaesthetic i sufferd a major anaphlaxsis to the drugs that put you to sleep, fortunately I had a good team batting for me and I responded well to treatment. I'm going to be famous as my case notes are going to be published in a medical journal, not the sort of fame i was looking for but hey , can't be to pickey can we. The staff looking after me were also my work colleagues and they were deeply stressed by the events also my family who although upset, tried to put on a brave face for me . Since the events of April 5th I have had more tests which has shown that I am allergic to quite a few other drugs , so no more ops for me , and I have to wear a Medic Alert bracelet, just in case of accidents etc.
the off shoot of it all is not so bad , I had a problem with myimmune system and kept catching flu like illnesses, which caused me to loose my hearing in one ear, so I get my new hearing aid in a couple of weeks, that will be a new experience, its nice having conversations on web I don't have to listen so hard. Take care and keep safe, Kirbsea.
Hi Researcher 212335....
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jan 1, 2003
I find added pluses to these type of convos too, along with the others mention below. I am also impeded from further surgery because of similar anesthesia problems.
Good luck with the hearing aid. We have a small group started at the De Mylein Nation>> A889194. Lots of troubled immune systems there. Nice people, humor ,a few whines and whingers but that is NOT our favorite thingee or purpose. We invite friends and family too!
Good Luck in this New Year!
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Hi Researcher 212335....
- 1: manda1111 (Dec 29, 2002)
- 2: kirbsea (Dec 30, 2002)
- 3: manda1111 (Dec 30, 2002)
- 4: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Dec 30, 2002)
- 5: kirbsea (Dec 31, 2002)
- 6: kirbsea (Dec 31, 2002)
- 7: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Dec 31, 2002)
- 8: kirbsea (Jan 1, 2003)
- 9: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Jan 1, 2003)
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