This is the Message Centre for Scoobydoo

Now then Scoobs

Post 1

Annie ™

Tis Anniesmiley - biggrin, I thought you might be interested in linking up on facebook. I mainly go on there for contact with my daughter at Uni but I have PSD on there to and I wouldn't mind adding one or two from the boards as long as it is only one or two. I thought if you were sticking loads of your photos on there it would be interesting.
Anyway if your interested I can be found @ I think that should get you to my home page (or maybe not as I've not done it before this way).
However if you don't follow it up that's fine I take no offence as I like to keep stuff to myself toosmiley - winkeye.

Anniesmiley - magic

Now then Scoobs

Post 2


No probs Annie.
I was nagged by Maria and hesitated for many months.
I only chat with a few who are mainly on CB anyway.
I'll sort it later!

Now then Scoobs

Post 3


That link just goes to FB Annie.
What's your FB name?

Now then Scoobs

Post 4


Are you Borthwick?

Now then Scoobs

Post 5

Annie ™

I go by my real name Fiona Wilson I have a picture of a red and white teapot as my logo, and I'm already linked with PSDsmiley - ok

Now then Scoobs

Post 6


ooh! PSD has an Anne Borthwick - wrong guess.
Just as well I didn't ask her to be my friend smiley - run

Now then Scoobs

Post 7

Annie ™

smiley - biggrinsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

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