This is the Message Centre for Researcher 212394

warm welcome from the local LDers... /:o)

Post 1

Loup Dargent

hi...smiley - smiley

if you click on this number: U201567 that will take you to the Friends of LeisureDistrict space...smiley - wow

say hi and we will add you to the list...smiley - cool

oh and don't hesitate to visit our own virtual bar: "The FoLDers Arms" at A913150...smiley - biggrin

talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

warm welcome from the local LDers... /:o)

Post 2

ESSEXgirlie..aka ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT..

loup babes where u been lol...more like where av i been how u been babes long time no chat mwah smiley - kiss

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