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AVG Tool Bar?

Post 1


Ever since my web browser Firefox updated, it has caused nothing but problems? After a lot of effort and searching I have discovered that its the AVG Tool Bar that is the problem.

Yet no matter how much I try I cant seem to delete it? I can see it there but all it will let me do is enable or disable itsmiley - wah

So, to save any more smiley - wah is there anyone out there who can explain how to delete it, and please don't say follow the guide on Internet Explorer, as that does is send me round the housessmiley - wah

smiley - cheersSmudger.

AVG Tool Bar?

Post 2


when did it update and was it an auto update or did you let it

AVG Tool Bar?

Post 3


Aye! thanks for that, it updated last night, I normally just click on the pop up appeared, and its always been OK in the past.

Been told its the AVG toolbar that's causing it, and right enough it is the AVG logo that appears on every new page I open, it used to be Google?

Been trying to delete the AVG toolbar all night, but instructions I got don't match what I see on the screen?

smiley - cheersSmudger

AVG Tool Bar?

Post 4


Go into windows and useing the windows manager revert to an erlier save point it should be prior to the upgrade point smiley - smiley

AVG Tool Bar?

Post 5


Aye! thanks for that, I have since solved the problem, I removed AVG and all its attachments, while the computer was in safe mode.

Then I installed the free version of AVAST, which I have in our desk top, then I installed the very latest version of Firefox, and that did the jobsmiley - ok

I even solved the "new tab" problem as well, so now all is smiley - ok now.

Thanks againsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

AVG Tool Bar?

Post 6


smiley - magicsmiley - cheers all sorted

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