This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n


Post 1


It seems like some hacker has got into my Hotmail account, or maybe one of my mates computers, and is sending c***p Emails to everyone on our contacts lists?

So, if anyone on here has been bothered with such Emails, I apologise for that. Our lad is coming here tomorrow to do a complete system restore on both our computers, this could take all day?

Unless of course, its just a small virus that we can zap and isolate with one security scan with that MailBuster program that is great at finding and destroying them, so here is hoping that is the case.

So if I am not around fr a while, you will know that I am virus huntingsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 2


Thanks for the warning Smudger smiley - goodluck

Websailor smiley - dragon


Post 3

Reality Manipulator

Hello Smudger,

I have been told by Jimcracker7 that is is not a virus and that your email has sadly been hacked, the only way around this is to report it to hotmail, unsubscribe to the hacked email address and then create another email but always make sure that you use a strong password.


Post 4


Aye! we did that today, in fact we were half way through, when we got a message saying my account was suspended due to a security breech??

All sorted out now, as we changed the password and its all working now, and I have my Hotmail back again.

I did get a good tip from computeractive saying I should make up a fictitious contact starting with the latter A.

Then if a hacker tries to get into it again, I would get a "failure notice" from the postmaster, saying that it could not be delivered, so I have done just thatsmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.


Post 5

Reality Manipulator

Good to hear that you everything sorted now and I hope that you don't get anymore problems.smiley - smileysmiley - cheerssmiley - ok


Post 6


Aye! I was lucky as it was just my Hotmail account they got into, so it was just a matter of doing a full scan and changing my Hotmail password.

I'm just relieved that its all over now, mind you, that was my first problem ever since I came on line 8 years agosmiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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