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Phil Harris.

Post 1


Mk2 really loves that TV program on the Discovery channel "Deadliest Catch" and over time has got to know all the boats and their crews. So you can imagine how she felt when a screen popped up on one of the episodes recently saying that Phil Harris had died!

It was devastating for her, as Phil was her favourite skipper, and he had both his sons on the boat crab fishing with him, and the banter between them was interesting to say the least.

I do not know if any of you know the person or the program I am talking about, but the show does have a word wide audience. I found this out when I went to the Discovery web site, to see if I could learn more about the death of Phil. When I got the the site, the whole front page was dedicated to him, and there was a space on the site where we could post our condolences to his surviving family.

After we had added ours to the vast list, we took the time to read more entries, there were many of them as well, and they came from all over the world. We had no idea just how popular he actually was until then.

My wife has now lost interest in the show, although she still watches it she says it will never be the same without Phil. The skippers of these boats lead a very stressful life indeed, in fact crab fishing industry has a bad record of deaths as it is, with boats going down taking all the crew with it. They have shown life or death rescues on the show, which gave the viewers an idea of just what dangers face these crab fishermen.

If anyone wants to know more about Phil or about the program itself just log onto the Discovery web site.
We will both miss Phil, and our hearts went out to his family when we heard of this death.smiley - sadface

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Phil Harris.

Post 2


Smudger, I can't get Discovery channel, but I have watched a number of series on other stations about the sea fishers. It is a very tough life indeed, and I don't think when we eat fish off our plates that we quite realise how much effort has gone in to getting it there.

It is always sad when someone you feel you know has died. They have great personalities these men who work so devilishly hard. You didn't say how he died, but apparently not with his fishing boat or his sons would be gone too. At least he left good memories behind.

I will have a look at the Discover web site when I get a minute.

Thanks for telling.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Phil Harris.

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Webby, he suffered a massive stroke:

Phil had only returned to the ship last season, after taking time off to deal with a heart condition.

I am sorry to hear of his sad demise.

smiley - rosesmiley - peacedovesmiley - rose

Phil Harris.

Post 4


Yea! sorry about that WS, I have just been to his web site and found his Facebook link in there.

He is still on the program as the TV series runs two years behind real time, and its hard to sit here and see him skippering his boat and crew knowing that he is no longer with ussmiley - erm

smiley - cheersSmudger.

Phil Harris.

Post 5


Thanks Lil. That is very sad. i have watched many similar programmes and we do get attached to these real people doing amazing things.


Smudger, I am sure he would have wanted you to continue watching in spite of everything.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Phil Harris.

Post 6


never could get into that show...I don't watch TV though but when I do it's usually dicovery or science channel yet I've only watched one episode. still kinda sad about any death thoughsmiley - sadface

Phil Harris.

Post 7


Dear Smudger and Mrs. Smudger,

Thank you so much for letting us know. I watch the programme occasionally and always enjoy it and always marvel at the bravery of these trawlermen. It is incredible the dreadful conditions that they put up with.

I note that he died of a massive stroke, and then had complications.

Quite a thought that, and |I realise how incredibly fortunate I am. I really must resist chocolate.

Please suggest to mark2 that she would be paying him such a compliment by coninuing to watch him even if he physically is gone. I always think that the movie stars of old who have made such fantastic movies, are so fortunate in that so many other people can enjoy thier acting because they appear on screen.

The same goes for Phil Harris. I feel really privileged to have watched his show, and with that photograph - he really looks very young.

Hope you are both keeping well,

Christiane AR80

20/II/2919 3.00 GMT

Phil Harris.

Post 8


Yea! he was only 54 when he died, it would have been a lot worse if he left paralysed down one side after the stroke, as he was always such an active man, and that would have been unbearable for him, as his whole life was based on fishing.

We still watch the program but there have been so many changes recently, as they now play music in the background, and a lot of the earlier boats and crews are not shown any more.

Its still a good program though, and Mk2 still likes to watch it
smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheersSmudger.

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