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Fairwell To Micheal.

Post 1


We watched that tribute to Michael Jackson tonight on Sky News, it was a very moving experience with respects coming from a lot of people who had the good fortune to actually know him personally.
I had no idea that he gave so much to charity and was involved in charitable work, or that he touched so many peoples hearts. He will be sadly missed. smiley - rose
Cheers, Smudger.

Fairwell To Micheal.

Post 2


A very misjudged man I think.

smiley - rose

Websailor smiley - dragon

Fairwell To Micheal.

Post 3


I thought that it was a most wonderfully moving farewell and celebration.

What a misjudged person. Sometimes it is really very very sad when people have a media war raged against them. Tribute to Sky for having shown the whole celebration.

RIP smiley - rose


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