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Farewll tp Paul.

Post 1


A sad end to such a great man, I really enjoyed his films. I think the best one of the lot was the Butch Cassidy one where he was along side Robert Redford, a real classic. The best scene was when they jumped into the water from the mountain they were on.
" I cant swim, he shouts..........don't worry the fall will probably kills us anywaysmiley - laugh
We will all miss him, he was a man of our times, and I don't think he will ever be forgotten as his films have preserved him for ever, a great actor and a great man.
smiley - cheersSmudger.

Farewll tp Paul.

Post 2

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi smudger,
i think ive seen most of the films, i know i didnt watch the roman thing.
i was suprised how old he was,
smiley - dragon jim

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