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Post 1


I was watching TV earlier today and was totally amazed at the result of a poll that was put to a group of 25 year old youngsters. It turned out that 75% of them never knew what D-Day was, and had no idea what it meant. Out of the remaining 25% a lot of them thought it meant Dunkirk-Day.
I found this rather sad, and was surprised to learn on the same TV program that a lot of the youngsters were totally aware of the politics of the nazi party, and knew the names of the leaders, yet they never knew anything about what their politice caused.

At the end of the program the camera zoomed in on a wreath that had been laid today at a memorial in Normandy, which read "They gave their today so that you could have your tomorrows" I found that very moving, as when I served in the R.N. we used to help with disabled who wanted to attend the parade in London on Remberance Day.
Some of the stories that these brave people shared with us, brought home the complete truth as to what D-Day meant and was all about. Even my time in the Gulf seemed small potatoes to what these folk sacrificed for us.
smiley - cheersSmudger,


Post 2


Some young people may be familiar with D-Day if they have seen Saving Private Ryan.

Back in high school, I remember reading a book about D-Day called The Longest Day. It was a very good book.


Post 3

Secretly Not Here Any More

Just lurking, hey...

I want to know who they ask these questions too. It's like the polls they do when 99% of people know who Beckham is, but not who Tony Blair is.

Still, I find it hard to believe that such a high percentage of people know so little about one of the most heroic acts carried out by a body of men ever.



Post 4


I can't watch the programmes,they make me so sadsmiley - crysmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - peacedove


Post 5


You are right there JEllen, as that Saving Pvt. Ryan film was made in the same way as Band of Brotherssmiley - ok

Some of the action shots were made to look so real it was like actually being theresmiley - cool

Psycorp, Ive often wondered that myself, just how do they pick from the populationsmiley - erm as some answers are so Dumb??
Mind you, Ive asked some of Mk2s neices and nephews questions about WW11 and they said they never got that at schoolsmiley - erm

They never even knew of the "Final Solution" I found that really surprising!!smiley - sadface

Ah! Smurfles, At least even if you feel sadness, it shows that you appreciate the sacrificesmiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger,


Post 6

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Thank you all for your postings. I have just spent two days reliving what for me what a very real war.

I had a cousin who was in the French Resistance and who was tragically caught whilst doing some necessary "work" on the railway lines and the telephone lines. He was tragically shot after having gone through a night of very dreadful interrogation.

I think that all the filmings were wonderfully done, and was able to switch from BBC to Sky and so saw the best of everything. What a wonderful performance the French youth put on at the end of the military parade. and what a tribute they paid to the "veterans" of WW2.

I did hear from a young comedian who was reviewing the papers on one of the daily news items that he regretted that at school they were not taught anything about WW2. I wonder why? And I wonder if it is true.? I am sure that it is possible to teach history without being prejudiced although I certainly know that it is not always done.

Kind regards to all

Also Ran1 smiley - schooloffish


Post 7

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - peacedove Blessed Be smiley - peacedove

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