A Conversation for The Cable Entanglement Fairy

I like your thinking...

Post 1


Could the Cable Entanglement Fairy be a distant relation of the Sock Pixie?


This explains the mess at the back of my two-day-old PC then...thanks for clearing it up! I'm sure hundreds of people suffer from this creature, which leads me to think that there is possibly a herd of CEFs, not in fact just one. Unless, of course, she is Santa Claus-esque and manages the same feats of travel as he.

Or am I reading far too much into this?

Spin x

I like your thinking...

Post 2


I think it's one fairy-per-person, but all are facets of the same one fairy, or something :> The fey live outside of space and time.
I think she also makes sure that bits of fluff and crisp particles get wedged underneath floor cables can castors.
Keep spinning that vinyl

I like your thinking...

Post 3


In case you are wondering what a 'cables can castors' is, I meant to type 'cables and castors' smiley - boing

I like your thinking...

Post 4



No problem, I got what you meant!

Don't worry, won't stop spinning any time soon...

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